Amazing Dead Sea scrolls and the Christian faith.

La Sor, William Sanford.

Amazing Dead Sea scrolls and the Christian faith. - Chicago, Moody Press [1956] - 251p. 20cm.

includes index

Contents: What are the Dead Sea scrolls? (The name, The discovery, Publication, Translations, Excavations, Where is the cave?) --
Other caves and other finds (What other caves were discovered?, The "Monastery", The cemetery, Pottery, Cloth wrappings, The copper scrolls, Coins) --
Manuscripts and fragments (Manuscripts, Fragments, Biblical texts, Deuterocanonical writings, New Testament, Apocryphal writings, Commentaries, Sectarian writings, Other materials) --
The date of the Qumran materials (Date of abandonment of community, When were the scrolls produced?, Determining the age of a manuscript, Conclusion) --
The Qumran community (Biblical materials, Non-biblical materials, Names used, Organization of the community, Part of a larger movement?, Terms of admission) --
Practices of the Qumran community (Water purification, The renewing of the covenant, The study of Torah, Communal life, "The purity") --
The god of Qumran (The knowledge of god, The nature of god, Dualism, Qumran dualism, Is this Zoroastrian dualism?, Superhuman spirits) --
Man and his salvation in Qumran (The problem, Free will, Determinism, Election, Perseverance) --
The law (The law in Qumran, The wall and the well, The pedagogical aspect, The proscriptive aspect, Sacrifices, The Sabbath) --
The Qumran calendar (The Pentecontad calendar, Calendar reforms, The Qumran calendar) --
What of Qumran Gnosticism (What is Gnosticism?, The source of knowledge in Qumran doctrine, The purpose of knowledge, Significance) --
The Messianic idea in Qumran (One [two, or three Messiahs?], "Messiah" or "Anointed", The evidence of 1Q28a, Conclusion) --
Other points in Qumran (The Teacher of Righteousness, The Teacher of Righteousness and Jesus, Was the Teacher of Righteousness an individual?, Other personalities, The end of the age) --
Were the Qumran sectarians Essenes? (What do we know about the Essenes?, Admission to the sect, Religious life of the Essenes, Essene doctrine, Pythagorean elements, Conclusions) --
Other possible identifications (The Pharisees, The Sadducees, Other Jewish sects, John the Baptist groups) --
The relation of Christianity to Qumran (Qumran and the Jerusalem church, Qumran and the Johannine literature, Qumran and the Pauline writings, Qumran and other Christian writings, Qumran and revealed truth, Conclusion) --
Appendix : Qumran and a reconstruction of Judaism (The historical framework, The religious scene, Miscellaneous items). rc.


Dead Sea scrolls.

BM487 / .L36