Essays on the Lord's Supper /

Essays on the Lord's Supper / by Oscar Cullmann and F. J. Leenhardt. Translated by J. G. Davies. - Richmond : John Knox Press, [1958] - 87 p. 22 cm. - Ecumenical studies in worship, no. 1 .

Contains Cullmann's The meaning of the Lord's Supper in primitive Christianity, a translation of La signification de la Sainte-Cène dans le christianisme primitif (Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, Strasbourg, 1936) and Leenhardt's This is my body, a translation of Ceci est mon corps (Cahiers théologiques 37, Delachaux and Niestlé, Neuchâtel and Paris, 1955)
Bibliographical footnotes.


Lord's Supper.

BV825 / .C84 [1958]