
Missiology. - [Wilmore, Ky, etc., American Society of Missiology] 1998 - v. ill. 23 cm. - Quarterly - Oct 1998 - Missiology. Vol.26, No.4 .

"An international review." Vols. for published for the American Society of Missiology by Sage Publications. Articles:
Missiological ramifications of the social impact of Christianity on the Lisu of China;
Maryknoll sisters in Latin America;
“Handed over to the Gentiles”: the centrality of persecution for missiology;
Music and missions: themes of cross-cultural outreach in the psalms;
Worldview methodology in Mission theology: a comparison between Kraft’s and Hiebert’s approaches;
Foundational roles of symbol and narrative in the (Re)construction of reality and relationships;

0091-8296 = Missiology = Missiology

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