
Missiology. Multicultural Ministry - [Wilmore, Ky, etc., American Society of Missiology] 1993 - v. ill. 23 cm. - Quarterly - Oct 1993 - Missiology:Multicultural Ministry Vol.21, No.4 .

"An international review." Vols. for published for the American Society of Missiology by Sage Publications. Articles:
The world’s parliament of religions revisited: the missionaries and early steps in public dialogue;
Mosaics and melting pots in motion: reading and responding to new times;
Seeing the doughnut: a response to “Mosaics and melting pots…”;
On the precarious ideological mosaic: a rejoinder;
The challenge of Hispanic pluralism for the United States churches;
Islam in Europe: threat or challenge to Christianity?
Christian approaches to religious pluralism: diverging models and patterns;
Missionaries as role models in the Christian quest for justice;

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