Unexpected destinations :

Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley.

Unexpected destinations : an evangelical pilgrimage to world Christianity / Wesley Granberg-Michaelson ; foreword by Jim Wallis. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub., 2011. - xvi, 296 p. ; 23 cm.

Includes index.

Jesus and the dentist -- Happy second birthday -- A missionary on Bonnie Avenue -- Selling the farm to the Pope -- Big Daddy and Billy Graham -- Will Sid Luckman be saved? -- Independent, evangelical, nondenominational -- Will Wally and Sid move to Israel? -- Baptism and the cubs' strikeout record -- "Watch your car, mister?" -- Can Christians be cool? -- A modest rebellion -- Grace wins -- How would Jesus vote? -- Journey outward, journey inward -- The evangelical dove -- The politics of Jesus -- The sounds of silence -- Afraid to love -- Mission to Japan -- Monastic psychotherapy -- Dayspring -- Downward mobility -- Missoula or bust -- An ecumenical ski jump -- The gospel of community -- Discovering the global church -- Claimed by a call -- Making space for vision -- A second chapter -- Hearing our call -- "Keep your hands on the plough, hold on" -- Mission comes first -- From Park Ridge to Selma -- From Jerusalem to Antioch -- A vision from St. Mary's -- The heartland and the frontier.

9780802866837 (pbk. : alk. paper) 0802866832 (pbk. : alk. paper)


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Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley.

Reformed Church in America--Clergy--Biography.

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