Isaiah 40-66 :

Paul, Shalom M.

Isaiah 40-66 : translation and commentary / Shalom M. Paul. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans, 2012. - xiii, 714 p. ; 24 cm. - The Eerdmans critical commentary . - Eerdmans critical commentary. .

Includes bibliographical references (p. 633-656) and indexes.

Deutero-Isaiah -- Trito-Isaiah? -- Historical survey -- Excursus A: Prayer of Nabonidus -- Excursus B: Cyrus Cylinder -- Rishonôt and ḥadashôt -- Servant songs -- Attitudes toward foreigners and religious universalism -- Deutero-Isaiah, polemicist -- Descriptions of Jerusalem -- Descriptions of God, his attributes, and his relationship to his people -- Unique style and literary sequence -- Language of the book: Aramaic and late Hebrew -- Inner-biblical traditions reflected in Deutero-Isaiah -- Influence of First Isaiah on Deutero-Isaiah -- Influence of Jeremiah on Deutero-Isaiah -- Additional prophetic influences on Deutero-Isaiah -- Psalmic influences on Deutero-Isaiah -- Parallels between the book of Lamentations and Deutero-Isaiah -- Deutero-Isaiah and the literary heritage of the ancient Near East -- Isaiah scrolls from Qumran and ancient translations -- Deutero-Isaiah in Jewish liturgy -- Translation -- Commentary.

9780802826039 (pbk. : alk. paper) 0802826032 (pbk. : alk. paper)


015889588 Uk

Bible.--O.T.--Isaiah XL-LXVI--Commentaries.

BS 1515.53 / .P38 2012
