Leadership :

Leadership : a practical journal for church leaders. - [Carol Stream, IL] : Christianity Today, Inc., Fall 2000 - 122p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - Quarterly. - (fall 2000) - The Pastor's Changing Role .

Pastor's progress;
Navigating the currents;
Warrior, chief, medicine man;
Rivers run through them;
Cultivate creativity;
Sunday morning showdown;
When the unchurched want a church wedding;
The emancipation of a white preacher;
South side showdown;
Footnotes in the pulpit;
Pastoring the powerful;
Why we disciplined half our church;
The emotions of conflicts;
Voted off ministry Island;

0199-7661 = Leadership.


Pastoral theology--Periodicals.
Church management--Periodicals.

BV4000 / .L38
