Leadership :

Leadership : a practical journal for church leaders. - [Carol Stream, IL] : Christianity Today, Inc., Spring 2005 - 106p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - Quarterly. - Vol. 26, no. 2 (Spring 2005) - Bridging Barriers Vol. 26, no. 2 .

My patient revolution;
Cross burnings on sunday;
How diverse must my congregation be?
Saying the hard stuff;
Civil engineers;
Ministries of amazing grace;
Up against a wall;
An army of ones;
a mad, multi-gen strategy that works, dude;
Preaching across the great divides;
3 Fibs and a truth about sex;

0199-7661 = Leadership.


Pastoral theology--Periodicals.
Church management--Periodicals.

BV4000 / .L38
