Soundings :

Soundings : an interdisciplinary journal. - [Knoxville, etc., Society for Values in Higher Education and Vanderbilt University, etc.] Spring/summer 2005 - v. 24 cm. - Quarterly. - Spring/' summer 2005 - Soundings: An interdisciplinary journal Vol.88, No.1-2 0038-1861 .

A critical distance;
"You talk like a book, dad": pedagogical anxiety and Lolita;
Was Huck a Unitarian? Christian Liberalism, Joseph Twichell, and Mark Twain's Huckleberry finn;
A more liberal mode of life:
Patient Endurance: Orpheus, Rilke, and modern poetry;
The avant-garde and the question of literature;
Affecting time: T.S Eliot's Burnt Norton;
Urban citizenship, literary studies, and the research university;
Two figures of the imagination and their consequences for the arts;
Aesthetic reason: Artworks and the deliberative Ethos;
Deconstructing Post-WWII New York City: The literature, art, jazz, and architecture of an emerging global capital;
Brahma in the west: william Blake and the oriental renaissance;

America, history and life 0002-7065 1973- Historical abstracts. Part A. Modern history abstracts 0363-2717 1973- Historical abstracts. Part B. Twentieth century abstracts 0363-2725 1973- Hospital literature index 0018-5736. MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures (Complete edition) 0024-8215. New Testament abstracts 0028-6877. Old Testament abstracts 0364-8591. Religion index one. Periodicals 0149-8428 1968- Social welfare, social planning/policy & social development 0195-7988. Sociological abstracts 0038-0202. Writings on American history 0364-2887. Current index to journals in education 0011-3565. Guide to social science and religion in periodical literature 0017-5307. Historical abstracts 0018-2435. Index to religious periodical literature 0019-4107. Religious and theological abstracts 0034-4044.

Vols. for winter 1975- issued by the Society for Values in Higher Education (called 1968-fall 1975: Society for Religion in Higher Education)

0038-1861 = Soundings (Nashville, Tenn.) = Soundings (Nashv. Tenn.)


Religious education--Periodicals.

BV1460 / .C34