Satanism and witchcraft :

Michelet, Jules, 1798-1874.

Satanism and witchcraft : a study in medieval superstition / by Jules Michelet. Translated by A.R. Allinson, illustrated by G. Christopher Hudson. - Secaucus, N.J. Lyle Stuart Inc., 1939. - xx , 332 p. 18 cm.

Title vignette; head and tail pieces. Translation of La sorcière.

"Principal authorities": p. 331-[332]

1. Death of the Gods
2. What drove the middle ages to despair
3. The little demon of the hearth and home
4. Temptations
5. Diabolical pssession
6. The pact with Satan
7. King of the dead
8. Prince of nature
9. Satan the healer
10. Charms and love potions
11. Communion of revolt- witches' sabbaths- the black mass
12. Black mass continued-love and death-Satan disappears
13. The sorceress in her decadence-Satan multiplied and vulgarised
14. Persecutions
15. A hundred years' toleration in France
16. The basque witches, 1609
17. Satan turns ecclesiastic, 1610
18. Gauffridi, 1610
19. The nuns of Loudun-Urbain Grandier 1633, 1634
20. The nuns of Louviers and satanic possession-Madeleine Bavent, 1640-1647
21. Satan triumphant in the seventeenth century
22. Father Girard and Charlotte Cadiere
23. Charlotte Cadiere at the convent of Ollioules
24. Trial of Charlotte Cadiere, 1730, 1731


Witchcraft--History--To 1500.
Demonomania--History--To 1500.
Superstition--History--To 1500.
Satanism--History--To 1500.

BF 1569 / .M63 1939


BF 1565 / M623s 1939