Satan, a portrait :

Langton, Edward, 1886-

Satan, a portrait : a study of the character of Satan through all the ages / Edward Langton. - London : Skeffington, [1946] - 128 p. : ill., plates. 22 cm.

Includes bibliographical footnotes and index.

1. In the Old testament.
2. In the Rabbinical Literature.
3. In the Jewish apocryphal and apocalyptic literature.
4. Sources of the Development of the teaching concerning Satan.
5. In the New Testament.
6. In the Early Christian Literature.
7 In Christian Literature from the Third to the Eight Century.
8. In the Scholastic Literature.
9. In the Monastic Literature.
10. In the Literature of Witchcraft.
11.In Post-Reformation Literature.
12. In the Literature of the Nineteenth Century.
13. The Fading-Out of the conception of Satan.
14. The return of Satan.

BT980 / .L3 [1946]