The human quest :

Bube, Richard H., 1927-

The human quest : a new look at science and the Christian faith / [by] Richard H. Bube. - Waco, Tex., Word Books [1971] - 262 p. illus. 22 cm.

Includes index.

Bibliography: p. 254-257.

Contents: I. A look at some questions --
Three basic questions --
Has science made religious faith impossible --
questions asked in objection to Christian faith --
Evidence against Christian faith: the Church --
A look at some answers --
Two general theses relating science and Christian faith --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
II. The pattern of history --
Explanation in terms of purpose --
Galileo's new sciences --
the Newtonian world machine --
The romantic reaction --
Two philosophical positions --
The Darwinian revolution --
Modern theology and philosophy --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
III. If this is what science is like --
Some definitions --
The purpose of science --
Faith and science --
Adjectives describing science --
The scientific model --
Philosophical attitudes toward science --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
IV. And if this is what Christian faith is like --
Some definitions --
theology --
the Christian faith --
the purpose of religious faith --
Adjectives describing Christian faith --
Theological models and analogies --
Philosophical attitudes toward theology --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
V. Are they really exclusively different --
Objective facts versus subjective judgments --
Rational versus non-rational attitudes --
Empirical evidence versus interpretation based only on faith --
Objective independence versus personal commitment --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
VI. What do science and Christian faith say about each other --
Classical arguments for the existence of God --
Arguments for the existence of God from the natural world --
Arguments from science against the Christian position --
Miracles --
Is the Bible a scientific book --
But which has the priority --
Science and the Bible: mutual aids in interpretation --
Can science demonstrate the reality of Christian faith --
Is there a Christian philosophy of science --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
VII. The structure of the world --
What is this structure --
The parts and the whole --
The systems concept --
Questioning some popular discontinuities --
Is this only baptized materialism --
Is man only a complex machine --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
VIII. Determinism in classical physics --
Quantum mechanics and indeterminacy --
Complementarity --
Psychological determinism --
Cultural of social determinism --
theological determinism --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
IX. The evolution controversy --
why is Evolution considered such a threat --
Key concepts in Evolutionary thinking --
Age of the earth --
Scientific study of origins --
Beginning of life and spirit --
Human Evolution; the general theory --
Teilhard de Chardin --
Am interpretation of Genesis 1-3 --
Summary --
Topics for discussion --
X. Social implication --
The crisis of human society --
Whatever happened to scientific prestige --
The dilemma of the Church --
Man come of age --
The population explosion and birth control --
Environmental problems --
Is there a Christian economic system --
Racism --
Violence and war --
Situation ethics --
Anti-Intellectualism: the modern romantic rebellion --
Science as service --
Summary --
Topics for discussion.



Religion and science--History.