
Africa - Nampa, Idaho Pacific Press General Conference of Seventh-day Adventsits 2007 - 30p. col ill.; 27 cm - Monthly - October 2007 - Africa Vol 79, No.10 00265314 .

The African worldview: a serious challenge to Christian discipleship; Joys of service, challenges of growth: a review of the Adventist Church in Africa; God of the Africans: ministering to adherents of African traditional religion; A ministry of compassion to the HIV/AIDS community; Plagiarism: Alternate explanations? Africa: a land at the crossroads; The challenge to"growing in Christ" in Africa;

00265314 = Ministry eJournal Links.

Seventh-day Adventists--Clergy--Periodicals.

Pastoral theology--Seventh-day Adventists--Periodicals.

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