The Sanctuary and the twenty-three hundred days of Daniel VIII, 14 /
Smith, Uriah, 1832-1903.
The Sanctuary and the twenty-three hundred days of Daniel VIII, 14 / Uriah Smith. - Battle Creek, Mich : Steam press of the seventh-day adventist publishing association 1877 - 224p.; ill.; 18 cm.
Bible.--O.T.--Daniel--Commentaries. [from old catalog]
Seventh-day adventists --Prophecy
BX 6122.P75 / .S65 1877
The Sanctuary and the twenty-three hundred days of Daniel VIII, 14 / Uriah Smith. - Battle Creek, Mich : Steam press of the seventh-day adventist publishing association 1877 - 224p.; ill.; 18 cm.
Bible.--O.T.--Daniel--Commentaries. [from old catalog]
Seventh-day adventists --Prophecy
BX 6122.P75 / .S65 1877