The patriarchs of Israel /

Holt, John Marshall.

The patriarchs of Israel / - Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 1964. - vii, 239 p. 22 cm.

Bibliography: p. 219-224.

I. The patriarchs of Genesis --
The story of the patriarchs --
Behind the story --
Archaeological discovery --
The nature of the problem --
The patriarchal age --
The patriarchal stories as legend --
II. Patriarchal origins --
The biblical Hebrews --
The Habiru --
Social status and way of life --
Contact with other known peoples and places --
The Hurrians --
The Hittites --
The Hyksos --
The Philistines --
Other names of the patriarchal period --
Excursus on the philological problem --
III. Patriarchal family life --
Husbands, wives, and children --
The structure of the family organization --
Property ownership and management --
IV. Patriarchal religion --
Ideas of God --
Worship in patriarchal religion --
Prayer --
Sacred places and institutions --
V. The patriarchs and Egypt --
To and from Egypt in the patriarchal period --
Dating the story of Joseph --
Egyptian local color in Genesis --
VI. At home with the patriarchs.


Bible.--Genesis--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Patriarchs (Bible)

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