Jesus and community :
Lohfink, Gerhard, 1934-
Jesus and community : the social dimension of Christian faith / Gerhard Lohfink ; translated by John P. Galvin. - Philadelphia : New York : Fortress Press ; Paulist Press, c1984. - xii, 211 p. ; 22 cm.
Translation of: Wie hat Jesus Gemeinde gewollt? Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 199-204.
0800618025 (pbk.) 0809126613 (Paulist : pbk.)
Jesus Christ--Teachings.
Church--Biblical teaching.
People of God--Biblical teaching.
Israel (Christian theology)--Biblical teaching.
BS 2417.C53 / L6413 1982
Jesus and community : the social dimension of Christian faith / Gerhard Lohfink ; translated by John P. Galvin. - Philadelphia : New York : Fortress Press ; Paulist Press, c1984. - xii, 211 p. ; 22 cm.
Translation of: Wie hat Jesus Gemeinde gewollt? Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 199-204.
0800618025 (pbk.) 0809126613 (Paulist : pbk.)
Jesus Christ--Teachings.
Church--Biblical teaching.
People of God--Biblical teaching.
Israel (Christian theology)--Biblical teaching.
BS 2417.C53 / L6413 1982