Scripture :
Scripture : an ecumenical introduction to the Bible and its interpretation /
edited by Michael J. Gorman.
- Grand Rapids, MI. : Baker Academic, c2005.
- xv, 288 p. : ill. ; maps. ; 23 cm.
Part I: The Bible --
The Bible as book and as library / Paul P. Zilonka --
The geography, history, and archaeology of the Bible / Karen J. Wenell --
The character and composition of the books of the Old Testament / David A. Leiter --
The character and composition of the books of the New Testament / Michael J. Gorman --
Significant noncanonical books / Edwin C. Hostetter --
The formation of the biblical canon(s) / Shira Lander --
The transmission and translation of the Bible / Michael L. Barré --
Part II: The interpretation of the Bible --
The interpretation of the Bible before the modern period / Carole C. Burnett --
Modern and postmodern critical methods of biblical study / John R. Donahue --
Theological and ideological strategies of biblical interpretation / Stephen Fowl --
The interpretation of the Bible in Protestant churches / Michael J. Gorman --
The interpretation of the Bible in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches / Ronald D. Witherup --
The interpretation of the Bible in African-American churches / C. Anthony Hunt --
The Bible and spiritual growth / Patricia D. Fosarelli and Michael J. Gorman --
The Bible and social justice : "learn to do right!-seek justice" (Isa 1:17 NIV) / John R. Donahue --
The Bible and ecumenism : "that they may all be one" (John 17:21) / Janyce C. Jorgensen.
Bible --Introductions.
BS475.3 / .S37 2005
Part I: The Bible --
The Bible as book and as library / Paul P. Zilonka --
The geography, history, and archaeology of the Bible / Karen J. Wenell --
The character and composition of the books of the Old Testament / David A. Leiter --
The character and composition of the books of the New Testament / Michael J. Gorman --
Significant noncanonical books / Edwin C. Hostetter --
The formation of the biblical canon(s) / Shira Lander --
The transmission and translation of the Bible / Michael L. Barré --
Part II: The interpretation of the Bible --
The interpretation of the Bible before the modern period / Carole C. Burnett --
Modern and postmodern critical methods of biblical study / John R. Donahue --
Theological and ideological strategies of biblical interpretation / Stephen Fowl --
The interpretation of the Bible in Protestant churches / Michael J. Gorman --
The interpretation of the Bible in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches / Ronald D. Witherup --
The interpretation of the Bible in African-American churches / C. Anthony Hunt --
The Bible and spiritual growth / Patricia D. Fosarelli and Michael J. Gorman --
The Bible and social justice : "learn to do right!-seek justice" (Isa 1:17 NIV) / John R. Donahue --
The Bible and ecumenism : "that they may all be one" (John 17:21) / Janyce C. Jorgensen.
Bible --Introductions.
BS475.3 / .S37 2005