Freedom and responsibility :

Freedom and responsibility : Christian and Muslim explorations / edited by Simone Sinn and Martin L. Sinaga on behalf of the Lutheran World Federation. - Minneapolis : Lutheran University Press, c2010. - 152 p. ; 23 cm. - LWF studies, 2010 .

Includes bibliographical references.

Freedom and responsibility : joint theological explorations by Christians and Muslims : challenges today / Mark N. Swanson -- Freedom and responsibility : an Islamic perspective / Amina Wadud -- Law, freedom, and responsibility in Christianity and Islam / Oddbjorn Leirvik -- Foundations for freedom and religious freedom in the Qur'an / Sahiron Syamsuddin -- The freedom of a Christian according to Evangelical Lutheran theology / Hans-Peter Grosshans -- Freedom and responsibility in society / Ignas Kleden -- Freedom, responsibility and shame in Indonesia / Bernard Adeney-Risakotta -- Women's freedom and responsibility in Islam : a brief review of texts and contexts in Indonesia / Siti Syamsiyatun -- Freedom of religion or belief in Indonesia and the challenge of Muslim exceptionalism / Suhadi Cholil -- Vox Helveticorum-vox Dei? : the Swiss ban on the construction of minarets : acid test for Christian-Muslim relations / Reinhold Bernhardt.

9781932688504 (alk. paper) 1932688501 (alk. paper)


Liberty--Religious aspects--Christianity.
Liberty--Religious aspects--Islam.
Religious ethics.
Christianity and other religions--Islam.

BT810.3 / .F73 2010
