The African Christian and Islam /

The African Christian and Islam / edited by John Azumah, Lamin Sanneh. - Carlisle, UK. : Langham Monographs, c2013. - xiii, 466 p. : 23 cm.

A historical survey -- The African Christian and Islam : historical and religious dimensions / Patterns of Christian-Muslim encounters in Africa / Hermeneutical and theological resources in African traditional religions for Christian-Muslim relations in Africa / The African Christian and Islam : insights from the colonial period / The African Christian and Islam : the Roman Catholic perspective / A thematic assessment -- Fault lines in African Christian responses to Islam / Competition and conflict : Pentecostals' and Charismatics' engagement with Islam in Nigeria / The African Christian and ideological Islam / The African Christian and Muslim Militancy / The African Christian and Islamic Da'wah and polemics / The African Christian and Islamic mysticism : folk Islam / Lamin Sanneh -- John Azumah -- Abraham A. Akrong & John Azumah -- Elom Dovlo -- John Onaiyekan -- John Azumah -- Matthews A. Ojo -- Josiah Idowu-Fearon -- Moussa Bongoyok -- John Chesworth -- David W. Shenk. Part one: Part two: Country studies -- Egypt / Ethiopia / Ghana / Kenya / Nigeria / Senegal / South Africa / Sudan / Tanzania / Bible reflections -- Encountering the other : a study of Mark 7:24-30 and Matthew 15:21-28 / Bible reflection : Luke 7:1-10, healing the Centurion's slave / Thinking biblically about Islam and Muslims : Christian attitudes toward Muslim women and seclusion / Tharwat Wahba -- E. Peter Ford, Jr. -- Rahman Yakubu -- Stephen Mutuku Sesi -- Matthew Hassan Kukah -- Daniel Gomis -- Manfred Jung -- James B. Obwonyo -- William Andrew Kopwe -- Mercy Amba Oduyoye -- Serge Traore -- Josephine Katile Mutuku Sesi. Part three: Part four:

9781907713972 1907713972

Christianity and other religions--Islam--Congresses.
Christianity and other religions--Africa--Congresses.

BP172 / .A986 2013
