Not by sight :

Bloom, Jon, 1965-

Not by sight : a fresh look at old stories of walking by faith / Jon Bloom. - Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway, c2013. - 208 p. : 21 cm.

Includes index.

"Where Is Your Faith?" (James Zebedee and Fear) --
"Neither Do I Condemn You" (The Adulteress and Guilt) --
She Still Had to Go Home (The Adulteress and Sin's Consequences) --
Doubt in the Darkness (John the Baptist and Doubt) --
Dismembering an Idol (Zacchaeus and Idolatry) --
Why Are You Disappointed? (Joseph Barsabbas and Disappointment) --
Can You Bear Uncertainty? (Would-Be-Disciple and Provision) --
"I Will Never Believe" (Thomas and Skepticism) --
The Night the Angel Didn't Come (James Zebedee and Death) --
Facing a Painful Decision (Joseph the Carpenter and Guidance) --
Stables of Desperation Are the Birthplaces of God's Grace (Joseph the Carpenter and Trust) --
(Un)Planned Detours (Joseph the Carpenter and Guidance --
"Do Not Be Afraid" (Jehoshaphat and Fear) --
What Love for God Looks Like (Simon the Pharisee and Worship) --
When a Rock Sunk Slowly (Peter and Faith) --
Faith That Makes Jesus Marvel (The Centurion and Faith) --
Are You Content with Weaknesses? (Paul and Humility) --
Ask! (The Leper and Provision) --
"Do You Believe This?" (Martha and Death) --
When You Aren't Sure What to Do Next (Peter and Waiting) --
Jesus Chooses and Uses Failures (Peter and Restoration) --
When a Rebuke Became a Reward (Zechariah and Unbelief) --
Hope for Our Beloved Unbelievers (Jesus's Siblings and Evangelism) --
Success Can Be Perilous (King David and Selfishness) --
More Than Enough (Philip and Provision) --
God's Purposes Can Be Opposite of Our Perceptions (The Man Born Blind and Suffering) --
The Eyes Jesus Opened First (Cleopas and Disillusionment) --
"What I Am Doing You Do Not Understand Now" (Peter and Sanctification) --
Staying Faithful When Things Get Worse (Joseph and Perseverance) --
Serve in the Shadow God Places You (Andrew and Humility) --
The Day of Your Deliverance Is Decreed (Disabled Woman and Suffering) --
Has Jesus Been Worth It? (Paul and Christian Hedonism) --
Powerful, Pragmatic Pawn of Providence (Pontius Pilate and Governing Authorities) --
"Follow Me" (Levi and Grace) --
When Following Jesus Means Going Home (The Gadarene and Appointment).



Trust in God --Biblical teaching.--Christianity
Bible stories.

BV4637 / .B56 2013