In debt we trust : America before the bubble bursts /

In debt we trust : America before the bubble bursts / Videorecording - [New York] : Globalvision : Disinformation Co., ©2007.

Originally issued in 2006.
Special features include: Trailer, Interviews with Danny Schechter, Steven Green, and Lorraine Bracco.

Director of photography, Gary Keith Griffin ; editor, Linda Hattendorf ; music supervision, Polar Levine. Director of photography, Gary Keith Griffin ; editor, Linda Hattendorf ; music supervision, Polar Levine.

A documentary examining the increasing debt burden carried by millions of Americans argues that corrupt practices by financial and government institutions are fostering citizens' dependence on credit while creating a ballooning national debt that is leading the country towards fiscal disaster.


Debts--United States
Debts, public--United States
Consumer credits--United States