Boys adrift :

Sax, Leonard.

Boys adrift : the five factors driving the growing epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men / Leonard Sax. - New York : Basic Books, c2007. - vii, 267 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-260) and index.

The riddle -- The first factor : changes at school -- The second factor : video games -- The third factor : medications for ADHD -- The fourth factor : endocrine disruptors -- End result : failure to launch -- The fifth factor : the revenge of the forsaken gods -- Detox.

9780465072095 0465072097


GBA753428 bnb

013789333 Uk

Young men--Education.
Motivation in education.
Sex differences in education.

LC1390 / .S29 2007
