The Abiding Sabbath and the "Lord's Day" : The $500 and $1000 prize essays: a review /
Alonzo T. Jones
The Abiding Sabbath and the "Lord's Day" : The $500 and $1000 prize essays: a review / by Alonzo T. Jones - Oakland, CA Pacific Press c1889 - 173p. 17cm - The Bible Students' Library No. 2, Jan 8, 1889 .
Eliott George 1851-1930 Abiding Sabbath
Waffle, A. E. 1846-1927 Lord's Day
Seventh-day Adventists--Doctrines
BV110 / .J658
The Abiding Sabbath and the "Lord's Day" : The $500 and $1000 prize essays: a review / by Alonzo T. Jones - Oakland, CA Pacific Press c1889 - 173p. 17cm - The Bible Students' Library No. 2, Jan 8, 1889 .
Eliott George 1851-1930 Abiding Sabbath
Waffle, A. E. 1846-1927 Lord's Day
Seventh-day Adventists--Doctrines
BV110 / .J658