Qumran cave 4, XXV :

Baumgarten, Joseph M.

Qumran cave 4, XXV : halakhic texts / Joseph M Baumgarten [and others]based in parat on earlier transcriptions by J. T. Milik. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, c1999. - viii, 173 p., [12] p. of plates : illustrations ; 32 cm. - Discoveries in the Judaean desert, 35. .

Several collections of laws or halakhot from Qumran bear witness to the parallel development of these laws with those that emerged within Rabbinic Judaism. This text includes editions of such compositions of which Tohorot is the largest. They provide insight into the development of early halakha.


Dead Sea scrolls--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Dead Sea scrolls.
Mer Morte, Manuscrits de la.

BM487 / .Q67 1999