Crisis in the reformed churches :

Crisis in the reformed churches : essays in commemoration of the great Synod of Dort, 1618-1619 / Peter Y. De Jong, editor. - Grandville, Mich., Reformed Fellowship, 2008. - 336 p. : 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

The rise of the reformed churches in the Netherlands, by P. Y. De Jong.--The background of the Arminian controversy (1586-1618), by L. Praamsma.--Leading figures at the Synod of Dort, by S. Kistemaker.--The doctrinal deliverances of Dort, by F. H. Klooster.--The Synod and Bible translation, by M. H. Woudstra.--Preaching and the Synod of Dort, by P. Y. De Jong.--The significance of the canons for pastoral work, by E. H. Palmer.--Calvin, Dort, and Westminister-a comparative study, by J. Murray.--Recent reformed criticisms of the canons, by K. Runia.--The significance of Dort for today, by C. Van Til.--Appendices (p. 197-262):--A. Chronological table.--B. Biographical notes.--C. The remonstrance of 1610.--D. The counter remonstrance of 1611.--E. Political commissioners assigned by the States-General.--F. Delegates to the Synod of Dort.--G. Remonstrants cited to appear at Synod.--H. The opinions of the remonstrants.--I. The canons of Dort.



Synod of Dort Dordrecht, Netherlands) (1618-1619 :

BX9478 / .D4 2008
