Maya Angelou :

Gillespie, Marcia.

Maya Angelou : a glorious celebration / Marcia Ann Gillespie, Rosa Johnson Butler and Richard A. Long ; foreword by Oprah Winfrey. - 1st ed. - New York : Doubleday, c2008. - 191 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

Truths told -- Becoming an artist -- Changing the world -- A daughter returns -- Blazing new trails -- Doing her work -- Life as art.

An unusual and irresistible look at Maya Angelou's life as well as her myriad interests and accomplishments by the people who know her best--her longtime friends Marcia Ann Gillespie and Richard Long, and her niece Rosa Johnson Butler. Features over 150 sepia portraits, family photographs, and letters.

9780385511087 0385511086


Angelou, Maya.

Authors, American--20th century--Biography.
African American women authors--Biography.

PS3551.N464 / Z67 2008

818/.5409 B