Majaribu hadi ushindi /
E. G. White 1827-1915
Majaribu hadi ushindi / by E. G. White - Morogoro, Tanzania Ufunuo Publishing House 2001 - 261 p. 21 cm
An abridged translation for The Acts of the Apostles in the Swahili
-- Seventh-day Adventists-- Doctrines-- Bible--New Testament - Acts of the Apostles---- Acts of the Apostles -- Commentaries-- Bible, N.T. ---- Primitive and Early Church--Church History --Apostles
BX6146 / .A25 S93 2001
Majaribu hadi ushindi / by E. G. White - Morogoro, Tanzania Ufunuo Publishing House 2001 - 261 p. 21 cm
An abridged translation for The Acts of the Apostles in the Swahili
-- Seventh-day Adventists-- Doctrines-- Bible--New Testament - Acts of the Apostles---- Acts of the Apostles -- Commentaries-- Bible, N.T. ---- Primitive and Early Church--Church History --Apostles
BX6146 / .A25 S93 2001