Mtapokea nguvu /
Ellen G. White 1827-1915
Mtapokea nguvu / Ye shall receive power. by Ellen G. White - Morogoro, Tanzania Ufunuo Publishing House 2018, 2017 - 2v. 21 cm
Swahili Translation for Ye shall receive power
--Seventh-day Adventists--Devotional Calendars--Prayers and Devotions--Seventh-day Adventists--Prayers and Devotions--Adventists
Holy Spirit--Meditations. --Biblical teaching.--Holy Spirit
BX6147 / .Y431 S93
Mtapokea nguvu / Ye shall receive power. by Ellen G. White - Morogoro, Tanzania Ufunuo Publishing House 2018, 2017 - 2v. 21 cm
Swahili Translation for Ye shall receive power
--Seventh-day Adventists--Devotional Calendars--Prayers and Devotions--Seventh-day Adventists--Prayers and Devotions--Adventists
Holy Spirit--Meditations. --Biblical teaching.--Holy Spirit
BX6147 / .Y431 S93