Visions & Revisions: A Textual History of Ellen G. White's Writings

Ronald D. Graybill

Visions & Revisions: A Textual History of Ellen G. White's Writings Visions and Revisions: A textual history of Ellen G. White's Writings Ronald D. Graybill - Westlake Village, CA Oak & Acorn 2019 - xxii, 277p. ill. 23 cm

Introduction Ch.1: Write, write, write Ch.2: Hallelujah, hellelujah, alleluia Ch.3: Lost in transcription Ch.4: The end of the "old simplicity" Ch.5: Ellen White's "company concern" Ch.6: Bountiful borrowing Ch.7: Of quails and mossbacks Ch.8: The errancy principle Ch.9: The great hope or "the great hoax" Ch.10: Conclusion Bibliography Biographical notes Index.

10987654321 9781070792149

Ellen Gould Harmon White 1827 - 1915 --Manuscripts
Ellen Gould Harmon White 1827 - 1915 --Criticism, textual

Seventh day Adventists--History

BX6149.2.L58 / G729 2019