The Trinity and the Bible /

The Trinity and the Bible / - Nairobi, Kenya Adventist Theological Society, AUA Chapter 2018 - 312p. 21cm - vol 2 .

The Incarnation and the Trinity: The Fourfold Gospel Witness; Clinton Wahlen When God Himself Speaks of Himself Eriks Galenieks The Foreshadowing of the Triune God in the Book of Psalms Melak Tsegaw Jesus as the "Son of God" in Scripture Ron du Preez Glimpses of the Deity and Personality of the Holy Spirit in the judgement Narrative in Luke 12:8-12 Sampson M. Nwaomah Granville Sharp's Rule and the Deity of Jesus Christ in the New Testament Davidson Razafiarivony 2 Corinthians 3:17 Revisited Victor F. Figueroa The Holy Spirit: His Divinity and Personality Frank M. Hasel The Heavenly Trio in Ellen White's Writings Anna M. Galeniece A Chronological and Thematical Understanding of the Divinity and the Personality of the Holy Spirit from the Writings of Ellen White Steven J. Rantung The Trinity at the 1919 Bible Conference Michael W. Campbell Leadership Lessons from the Trinity Delbert W. Baker The Trinity, Missio Dei, and the Task of Mission in the African Context Kelvin Onongha Present Truth, 1888, and the Trinity Clinton Wahlen The Trinity in Early Seventh-day Adventist Hymnody Michael W. Campbell


The Trinity--Doctrines--Bible

BT111.3 / .T75 2018