Sharing Jesus in the two thirds world : evangelical Christologies from the contexts of poverty, powerlessness, and religious pluralism : the papers of the First Conference of Evangelical Mission Theologians from the Two Thirds World, Bangkok, Thailand, March 22-25, 1982 /

Sharing Jesus in the two thirds world : evangelical Christologies from the contexts of poverty, powerlessness, and religious pluralism : the papers of the First Conference of Evangelical Mission Theologians from the Two Thirds World, Bangkok, Thailand, March 22-25, 1982 / edited by Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1984. - ix, 284 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

0802819974 (pbk.)


Jesus Christ--Person and offices--Congresses.

Christianity and other religions--Congresses.
Christianity--Congresses.--Developing countries
Religious pluralism--Congresses.

BT202 / .C664 1982
