The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them.
Kellogg, John Harvey, 1852-1943.
The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them. By J.H. Kellogg. - 1st ed. - Battle Creek, Mich. Modern Medicine Pub. Co., 1896. - 368 p. col. front. illus. 21 cm. - Review and Herald Library Collection. .
The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them The organs of digestion Foods The digestive fluids General view of the digestive process The maladies of the modern stomach Important new discoveries relating to digestion Symptoms of dyspepsia The symptomatic treatment of indigestion Treatment of dyspepsia Remedies for the home treatment of dyspepsia Quacks and nostrums Graphic method
RC816.K29 / 1896
The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them. By J.H. Kellogg. - 1st ed. - Battle Creek, Mich. Modern Medicine Pub. Co., 1896. - 368 p. col. front. illus. 21 cm. - Review and Herald Library Collection. .
The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them The organs of digestion Foods The digestive fluids General view of the digestive process The maladies of the modern stomach Important new discoveries relating to digestion Symptoms of dyspepsia The symptomatic treatment of indigestion Treatment of dyspepsia Remedies for the home treatment of dyspepsia Quacks and nostrums Graphic method
RC816.K29 / 1896