Parfait mais pas comme vous le pensez /
Knight, George R.
Parfait mais pas comme vous le pensez / George Knight. - Dammarie-lès-Lys Cedex, France : Éditions Vie et Santé, c1998. - 123 p. ; 20 cm.
French translation of: I used to be perfect, an ex-legalistic look at law, sin and grace.
2857432313 9782857432319
Seventh-day Adventists--Doctrines.
Justification (Christian theology)
Perfection--Religious aspects
BX6122.P47 / K554 1998
Parfait mais pas comme vous le pensez / George Knight. - Dammarie-lès-Lys Cedex, France : Éditions Vie et Santé, c1998. - 123 p. ; 20 cm.
French translation of: I used to be perfect, an ex-legalistic look at law, sin and grace.
2857432313 9782857432319
Seventh-day Adventists--Doctrines.
Justification (Christian theology)
Perfection--Religious aspects
BX6122.P47 / K554 1998