Resource description & access : RDA /

Resource description & access : RDA / Resource description and access RDA RDA : resource description and access RDA : resource description & access developed in a collaborative process led by the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC). - 2015 Revision - Chicago IL, USA : Ottawa ON, Canada : London, UK : American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, CILIP: Chartered institute of Library and Information Professionals, c2015. - volumes ; 30 cm - Annual - Began with 2014 revision?

Includes index.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Full text print version of RDA offers a snapshot that serves as an offline access point to RDA. Contains the content of RDA pulled from the RDA Toolkit database.

"Representing the American Library Association, the Australian Committee on Cataloguing, the British Library, the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing, CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, the Library of Congress."

Also issued in a loose-leaf edition.

9780838913468 9780888023469 9781783300747



20163004331 can


Resource description & access.
Ressources--description et accès.
Resource description & access.

Descriptive cataloging--Standards--Periodicals.
Descriptive cataloging--Standards.
Description bibliographique--Normes.
Description bibliographique--Normes--Périodiques.
Descriptive cataloging--Standards.


Z694.15.R47 / R47 2015