Toward a theology of the remnant :

Toward a theology of the remnant : an Adventist ecclesiological perspective / Angel Manuel Rodriguez, editor. - Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, c2009. - 254 p. ; 22 cm. - Studies in Adventist eccesiology ; 1. . - Studies in Adventist eccesiology ; 1. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The remnant in the Old Testament / The remnant in non-canonical Jewish apocalyptic works and in Qumran / The remnant in the gospels / The remnant in Pauline thought / The remnant in the book of Revelation / The remnant and God's commandments: Revelation 12:17 / Sabbath theology in the book of Revelation / Identifying marks of the end-time remnant in the book of Revelation / The remnant in contemporary Adventist theology / The remnant people of God in the writings of Ellen G. White / Concluding essay: God's end-time remnant and the Christian church / The "Testimony of Jesus" in the writings of Ellen G. White / Tarsee Li -- Leslie N. Pollard -- Clinton Wahlen -- Leslie N. Pollard -- Richard P. Lehmann -- Johannes Kovar -- Mathilde Frey -- Gerhard Pfandl -- Frank M. Hasel -- �Angel Manuel Rodriguez -- �Angel Manuel Rodriguez -- �Angel Manuel Rodriguez.

9780925675187 0925675180

Seventh-day Adventists--Doctrines--Remnant (Theology)

Remnant (Theology)

BX 6122 .R44 / T69 2009