Understand My Muslim People :

Sarker, Abraham

Understand My Muslim People : by a former Muslim - Newberg, Oregon Barclay Press c.2004 - xvi, 286p: 23 cm

Includes Appendices, and Notes

Summary: Abraham Sarker, born and raised a devout Muslim, knows Islam and understands Muslim people. While Sarker was being trained as an Islamic leader, God miraculously opened his eyes and touched his heart with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He shares his story, then provides a clear description of the history, beliefs, and practices of Islam. Sarker concludes by giving us a better understanding of the Muslim mind-set and offers practical strategies Christians can use to engage in productive dialogue with Muslims.


Islam--Relations with Christianity
Chritianity and other religions--Islam
Christian converts from Islam

BP 70 / .A67 2004