The Qur'an & the Bible :
Naik, Zakir
The Qur'an & the Bible : in the light of science / Zakir Naik. - New Delhi, India : Kutub Khana Ishayat-ul-Islam, 2008. - 124 p.: 22 cm.
A rejoinder to Dr. William Campbell's comments.
Islam --Christianity. --Relations
Qurʼan and science.
Religion and science.
BS 650 / .B783 2008
The Qur'an & the Bible : in the light of science / Zakir Naik. - New Delhi, India : Kutub Khana Ishayat-ul-Islam, 2008. - 124 p.: 22 cm.
A rejoinder to Dr. William Campbell's comments.
Islam --Christianity. --Relations
Qurʼan and science.
Religion and science.
BS 650 / .B783 2008