P.T. Forsyth--the man, the preachers' theologian, prophet for the 20th century :

Miller, Donald G. 1909-1997.

P.T. Forsyth--the man, the preachers' theologian, prophet for the 20th century : a contemporary assessment / by Donald G. Miller, Browne Barr, Robert S. Paul. - Pittsburgh, Pa. : Pickwick Press, 1981. - 503 p. in various pagings ; 21 cm. - The Pittsburgh theological monograph series ; 36 .

"Containing a reprint of P.T. Forsyth, Positive preaching and modern mind."

Includes bibliography and indexes.

0915138484 (pbk.)


Forsyth, Peter Taylor, 1848-1921.


BX 7260 .F583 / M54 1981
