The challenge of the world religions.

Vicedom, Georg F.

The challenge of the world religions. Translated by Barbara and Karl Hertz. - Philadelphia, Fortress Press [1963] - 161 p. 21 cm.

Translation of Die Mission der Weltreligionen.

Contents: I. The formation of the challenge --
1. Missionary mandate and missionary zeal --
2. The mission consciousness of the religions --
3. The smallness of the world --
4. The geographic position of Christianity --
II. The renaissance of the religions --
1. Criticism by Christianity --
2. The influence of the new ideal --
3. Purification of the religions --
4. The perfecting of the religions --
5. The religions find themselves --
6. Nationalism --
7. The absolute character of the religions' claim --
8. The universal significance and universal mission --
III. The missionary object --
1. The religious contrast --
2. The disillusioning model --
3. Native culture called in question --
4. Religion placed in question --
5. Unbelief --
6. The destructive religion --
IV. The message of the religions --
1. The new understanding of the world --
2. The new understanding of man --
3. The new concept of God --
4. The other ethic --
5. The way of salvation --
6. The unity of mankind --
7. The unity of the religions --
V. The challenge of the religions --
1. The world becomes "religious" --
2. The Christian Fellowship sect --
3. The New Thought movement --
4. Yoga --
5. Bahai --
6. The literary influence --
7. The mission of Hinduism --
8. Buddhism --
9. Islam --
VI. Our reply --
1. The false claim --
2. The other concept of God --
3. The new image of man --
4. Rebirth and retribution --
5. Deification --
6. Salvation --
7. The new life --
8. The equality of the religious --
9. The three necessary ways --
10. The meeting of mission and the younger churches.


Christianity and other religions.
Religious thought--20th century.

BL 98 / .V513 1963