The Dead Sea Scrolls of Daniel and Ezra :

Chalice, Leander Bertram.

The Dead Sea Scrolls of Daniel and Ezra : the newest translation from the oldest manuscripts / Leander Bertram Chalice. - Seoul, Korea : Korean Publishing House, 2008. - 144 p. ; 23 cm.

"Updated to the Bible's earliest form : texts closer to what Christ, his apostles, and the prophets read." "Translated into English from the original Hebrew and Aramaic of the Dead Sea Scrolls manuscripts, Codex Leningradensis, and the Septuagint" -- t.p. verso.

9788989686972 8989686970

Dead Sea scrolls.
Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--O.T.--Daniel--Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible.--O.T.--Ezra--Criticism, interpretation, etc.