Rhetorical criticism :

Rhetorical criticism : essays in honor of James Muilenburg / edited by Jared J. Jackson and Martin Kessler. - Pittsburgh : Pickwick Press, [1974] - xviii, 287 p. : port. ; 22 cm. - Pittsburgh theological monograph series ; no. 1 .

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction: Anderson, B. W. The new frontier of rhetorical criticism; a tribute to James Muilenburg.--Pentateuch: Kessler, M. Rhetorical criticism of Genesis 7. Kikawada, I. M. The shape of Genesis 11:1-9. Hamlin, E. J. The liberator's ordeal; a study of Exodus 4:1-9.--Former prophets: Rose, A. S. The "principles" of divine election; wisdom in 1 Samuel, 16. Ritterspach, A. D. Rhetorical criticism and the Song of Hannah. Ridout, G. The rape of Tamar.--Latter prophets: Jackson, J. J. Style in Isaiah 28 and a drinking bout of the gods (RS 24.258). Sacon, K. K. Isaiah 40:1-11; a rhetorical-critical study. Fisher, R. W. The herald of good news in Second Isaiah. Holmgren, F. Yahweh the avenger; Isaiah 63:1-6. Brueggemann, W. Israel's sense of place in Jeremiah. Raitt, T. M. Jeremiah's deliverance message to Judah.--Writings: Kuntz, J. K. The canonical wisdom psalms of ancient Israel: their rhetorical, thematic and formal dimensions.--Miscellanea biblica: Gottwald, N. K. Were the early Israelites pastoral nomads? March, W. E. Laken: its functions and meanings. Ball, I. J. Additions to a bibliography of James Muilenburg's writings (p. [285]-287)

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Muilenburg, James--Bibliography.


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