Interpreting together :

Interpreting together : essays in hermeneutics / edited by Peter Bouteneff & Dagmar Heller. - Geneva, Switzerland : WCC Publications, c2001. - xi, 164 p. ; 22 cm. - Faith and order paper ; no. 189 .

Hermeneutics and ecumenism : the art of understanding a communicative God / Anton Houtepen --
BEM and the Eucharist : a case study in ecumenical hermeneutics / William Tabbernee --
Hermeneutics and ecumenical dialogue : BEM and its responses on "apostolicity" / William Henn --
"Scripture, tradition, and traditions" : a reflection on the studies of this issue in the 1960s / Martin Cressey --
Tradition revisited / Nicholas Lossky --
The pneumatological dimension in the hermeneutical task / Michael Prokurat --
Ecumenical hermeneutics : suspicion versus coherence? / Rudolf von Sinner --
Hermeneutics : an instrument for an ecumenical reflection on the search for church unity / Metropolitan Gennadios (Limouris) of Sassima --
Reflections on "A treasure in earthen vessels : an instrument for an ecumenical reflection on hermeneutics" / Pablo R. AndiƱach --
A treasure in earthen vessels : an instrument for an ecumenical reflection on hermeneutics.

282541333X (pbk.)


Treasure in earthen vessels
Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry

BS476 / .I584 2001