Great Apocalyptic Prophecies

Great Apocalyptic Prophecies Adult Sabbath School Bible study guide (Teacher's ed.) Sabbath School Bible study guide adult teacher's edition. Sabbath school lessons adult teacher's edition. - Teacher's ed. - Nampa, ID : Pacific Press Pub. Association, - 160 p. - Quarterly. - Great Apocalyptic Prophecies 2nd Quarter, 2002 1096-7559 .

Each issue also has a distinctive title. Description based on: No. 411 (Jan.-Mar. 1997); title from cover. Effective 1st qtr 1998, title is Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Teacher's Edition) Contents:
Interpreting Apocalyptic Prophecies;
Daniel 2 And 7: The ABC’s Of Apocalyptic Prophecies;
The Son of Man and the Final Judgment;
Daniel 8: The Price of the Heavenly Host;
Daniel 9: The Coming of the Messiah;
The Eschatological Day of Atonement;
Matthew 24: Jesus’ Sermon on Apocalyptic Prophecy;
The Child, the Church, and the Dragon: Revelation 12;
The Dragon versus the Remnant: Part 1;
The Dragon versus the Remnant: Part 2;
The Three Angels’ Messages: Revelation 14:1-12;
The Climax of Apocalyptic Expectation: The Blessed Hope;
Preparing For the Apocalyptic Consummation;

Prepared by: Dept. of Sabbath School/Personal Ministries of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.

1096-7559 = Adult teachers sabbath school bible study guide

sn 97001999

Sabbath schools--Study and teaching.

BX 6112 / .88 2002