Adventist Herald.

Adventist Herald. A flagship magazine of the seventh-day adventist church in East-central Africa division Adventist herald. East-Central Africa Division Herald into all the world. - Nairobi, Kenya : East-Central Africa Division 2010 - 15p.. ill. ; 28 cm. - No.1, 2010 - The Great Re-union Day .

Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2003); title from caption. Contents:
Managing debts;
He’ll do it again;
AUA trailblazers;
The great reunion day;
Medical outreach in Zanzibar;
The travelling bible arrives;

= Adventist Herald.

East-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventists--Periodicals.

Seventh-day Adventists--East-Central Africa Division--Periodicals.

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