The Christ of the Narrow Way : a book of art, history, and inspired writings, featuring a heroic mural based on the first vision of Ellen G. White /

The Christ of the Narrow Way : a book of art, history, and inspired writings, featuring a heroic mural based on the first vision of Ellen G. White / editor, Kenneth H. Wood ; artist, Elfred Lee ; layout and design, Harry Knox ; photographer, Dennis Crews. - Silver Spring, Md. : Ellen G. White Estate, c1993. - 91, [1] p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. - White Estate Shelf Document ; no. 103-V3. .

This is part of a group of documents known collectively as Ellen G. White Estate shelf documents.



Jesus Christ--Art.
White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915. --Visions.

Seventh-day Adventists--Pictorial works.
Seventh-day Adventist Church (Silver Spring, Md.)
Seventh-day Adventists--Doctrines.

BX6115.2 / .C74 1993
