Jewish literacy : (Record no. 8454)

MARC details
fixed length control field 18827cam a2200349 a 4500
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control field AUA.1
control field 20151116113611.0
fixed length control field 081021s2008 nyu b 001 0 eng
LC control number 2008274098
International Standard Book Number 9780061374982
Original cataloging agency DLC
Transcribing agency DLC
Modifying agency DLC
Classification number BM 155.3
Item number .T45 2008
Classification number 296
Edition number 22
Personal name Telushkin, Joseph,
Dates associated with a name 1948-
9 (RLIN) 29051
Title Jewish literacy :
Remainder of title the most important things to know about the Jewish religion, its people, and its history /
Statement of responsibility, etc Joseph Telushkin.
Edition statement Rev. ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc New York :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc William Morrow,
Date of publication, distribution, etc c2008.
Extent xxxi, 768 p. ;
Dimensions 24 cm.
Bibliography, etc Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted contents note Contents:
Formatted contents note Acknowledgments --<br/>Introduction --<br/>Part 1: Bible --<br/>1: Tanakh, Torah --<br/>Genesis --<br/>2: Adam and Eve, The Garden of Eden --<br/>3: Cain and Abel, "Am I my brother's keeper?" --<br/>4: Noah's Ark --<br/>5: Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob --<br/>6: Matriarchs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah --<br/>7: Sodom and Gomorrah --<br/>8: Binding of Isaac / Akedat Yitzchak --<br/>9: Voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau --<br/>10: Jacob / Israel --<br/>11: Joseph and his brothers --<br/>12: Seven fat years, seven lean years --<br/>13: Twelve tribes --<br/>Exodus --<br/>14: Moses / Moshe --<br/>15: Burning bush / I shall be what I shall be --<br/>16: Let my people go --<br/>17: Ten plagues, "And God hardened Pharaoh's heart" --<br/>18: Splitting of the Red Sea --<br/>19: Amalek --<br/>20: Mount Sinai and the giving of the Torah --<br/>21: Covenant / Brit "We shall do and we shall hear" --<br/>22: Ten Commandments / Aseret ha-Dibrot --<br/>23: Golden calf --<br/>24: Aaron and Miriam --<br/>Leviticus --<br/>25: Sacrifices, priests and Levites --<br/>26: Love your neighbor as yourself, I am the Lord --<br/>Numbers --<br/>27: Twelve spies, "The land of milk and honey" --<br/>28: Korakh's rebellion --<br/>29: Balaam's talking donkey, "A people that dwells alone" --<br/>Deuteronomy --<br/>30: No one knows his burial place to this day --<br/>From the early prophets --<br/>31: Joshua and the walls of Jericho --<br/>32: Land of Canaan / The seven nations of Canaan --<br/>33: Deborah the Prophetess --<br/>34: Samson and Delilah --<br/>35: Samuel, "We must have a king over us that we may be like all the other nations" --<br/>36: Saul --<br/>37: David and Goliath --<br/>38: David and Jonathan --<br/>39: David and Bathsheba --<br/>40: David and Nathan / "You are the man!" --<br/>41: David and Absalom, "O Absalom, my son, my son!" --<br/>42: Solomon --<br/>43: Temple / Beit ha-Mikdash --<br/>44: Secession of the Ten Northern Tribes --<br/>45: Ahab and Jezebel, "Have you murdered and also inherited?" --<br/>46: Prophet Elijah --<br/>47: Ten Lost Tribes --<br/>48: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon --<br/>49: Babylonian exile --<br/>From the later prophets --<br/>50: Isaiah, "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation," "A light unto the nations" --<br/>51: Jeremiah --<br/>52: Ezekiel, The Valley of the Dry Bones --<br/>53: Amos, "Let justice well up like water" --<br/>54: Jonah and the whale --<br/>55: Micah, "To do justice and to love goodness, and to walk modestly with your God" --<br/>From the Ketuvim / Writings --<br/>56: Psalms, "The Lord is my shepherd," "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem" --<br/>57: Trial of Job --<br/>58: Ruth and Naomi, "Your people shall be my people, and your God my God" --<br/>59: Ecclesiastes, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity" --<br/>60: Esther, Mordechai, Haman, "There is a certain people" --<br/>61: Daniel in the Lion's Den, The writing on the wall --<br/>62: Cyrus the Great, King of Persia --<br/>63: Ezra and Nehemiah, The rebuilding of the Jewish community in Israel --<br/>Part 2: Second Commonwealth, The Mishna And The Talmud --<br/>64: Antiochus Epiphanes, King of Syria, and the Selecuid Empire --<br/>65: Maccabees, Hasmoneans, Mattathias, Judah Maccabee --<br/>66: Hannah and her seven sons --<br/>67: Rome takes over Jerusalem, 63 BCE --<br/>68: Hillel, The golden rule, The Prosbul --<br/>69: Sanhedrin --<br/>70: Herod, King of Judea --<br/>71: Jesus, The crucifixion, Pontius Pilate, The New Testament --<br/>72: Paul --<br/>73: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Dead Sea sect --<br/>74: Great Revolt, 66-70 CE Zealots --<br/>75: Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai,"Give me Yavneh and its sages" --<br/>76: Destruction of the second temple, 70 CE --<br/>77: Flavius Josephus --<br/>78: Masada, 73 CE --<br/>79: Rabbi Akiva --<br/>80: Bar-Kokhba Rebellion, 132-135 CE --<br/>81: Beruriah --<br/>82: Oral law, written law --<br/>83: Babylonian Talmud / Palestinian Talmud, Mishna, Rabbi Judah the prince / Tanna'im, Amora'im --<br/>84: Halakha, Aggadata, Midrash --<br/>Part 3: Early Medieval Period: Under Islam And Christianity --<br/>85: Mohammed --<br/>86: Pact of Umar, Dhimmis --<br/>87: Sa'adiah Gaon, The Gaonim --<br/>88: Resh Galuta, Exilarch --<br/>89: Karaites --<br/>90: Cairo Geniza --<br/>91: Golden Age of Spanish Jewry --<br/>92: Judah Halevi / The Kuzari --<br/>93: Almohades --<br/>94: Maimonides / Rambam --<br/>95: Ban on polygamy, The decrees of Rabbi Gershom --<br/>96: Rashi, Rabbenu Tam, The Rishonim --<br/>97: Crusades --<br/>98: Fourth Lateran Council, Yellow badge --<br/>99: Burning of the Talmud --<br/>100: Jewish-Christian disputations, Moses Nachmanides and the debate in Barcelona, Spain, 1263 --<br/>101: Expulsion of Jews from England, 1290 --<br/>102: Spanish Inquisition, Marranos --<br/>103: Don Isaac Abravanel --<br/>104: Spanish expulsion, 1492 --<br/>Part 4: Late Medieval Period --<br/>105: Ghetto --<br/>106: Kabbalah --<br/>107: Code of Jewish Law / Shulkhan Arukh, Joseph Karo, Moses Isserles, the Rama --<br/>108: Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation --<br/>109: Ashkenazim and Sephardim, Yiddish and Ladino --<br/>110: Chmielnitzki Massacres, 1648-1649 --<br/>111: Shabbetai Zevi --<br/>112: Excommunication of Spinoza, Kherem --<br/>113: Court Jews, Shtadlanim --<br/>114: Hasidim and Mitnagdim, Israel Ba'al Shem Tov --<br/>115: Vilna Gaon --<br/>116: Moses Mendelssohn, Enlightment / Haskala --<br/>Part 5: Modern Period-Western And Eastern Europe --<br/>117: Emancipation, "To the Jews as individuals, all rights, to the Jews as a people, no rights" --<br/>118: Napoleon's Sanhedrin --<br/>119: Baptism and apostasy --<br/>120: Reform Judaism --<br/>121: Samson Raphael Hirsch, neo-orthodoxy --<br/>122: Damascus blood libel --<br/>123: Rabbi Israel Salanter, The Musar movement --<br/>124: Rothschilds --<br/>125: Martin Buber, I and thou --<br/>126: Franz Rosenzweig --<br/>127: Shtetl, Cheder --<br/>128: Pogrom --<br/>129: Kishinev Pogrom --<br/>130: Sholom Aleichem --<br/>131: Sigmund Freud --<br/>132: Leon Trotsky --<br/>Part 6: Zionism And Israel --<br/>133: If I forget thee, O Jerusalem --<br/>134: BILU --<br/>135: Dreyfus trial --<br/>136: Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State --<br/>137: First Zionist Congress, 1897 --<br/>138: Uganda --<br/>139: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook / Rav Kook --<br/>140: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and the revival of Hebrew --<br/>141: Aliyah, Chalutz, Chalutzim --<br/>142: Kibbutz, Moshav --<br/>143: Balfour Declaration, 1917, The British Mandate --<br/>144: Chaim Weizmann --<br/>145: Haganah, Irgun-bombing of the King David Hotel, Lekhi, Palmach --<br/>146: David Ben-Gurion --<br/>147: Vladimir Jabotinsky, The Revisionists --<br/>148: Josef Trumpeldor --<br/>149: Hebron Massacre, 1929 --<br/>150: British White Paper, 1939 --<br/>151: DP Camps, The Exodus --<br/>152: United Nations vote for Partition, 1947 --<br/>153: Proclamation of Israel's Independence, 1948, Medinat Yisrael --<br/>154: Hatikyah --<br/>155: Harry Truman --<br/>156: Deir Yassin --<br/>157: War of Independence --<br/>158: Altalena --<br/>159: Ingathering of the Exiles / Kibbutz Galuyot, "Operation magic carpet" --<br/>160: Knesst, Labor Party, Likud, Religious Parties --<br/>161: Israel Defense Forces / Tzahal, Reserve duty / Mi-lew-im --<br/>162: Moshe Dayan --<br/>163: Six-day war, 1967, The "Green Line" --<br/>164: Western wall / Kotel ha-Ma'aravi --<br/>165: PLO, Munich massacre, Oslo Accords --<br/>166: United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338 --<br/>167: Golda Meir --<br/>168: Yom Kippur War, 1973 --<br/>169: West Bank versus Judea and Samaria, Gush Emunim --<br/>170: United Nations Resolution on Zionism, 1975 --<br/>171: Entebbe, 1976 --<br/>172: Menachem Begin elected prime minister, 1977 --<br/>173: Anwar Sadat's visit to Jersulam, Camp David --<br/>174: Peace now / Shalom Akhshav --<br/>175: Lebanese war --<br/>176: Law of Return, "Who is a Jew?" --<br/>177: Neturei Karta --<br/>178: Ashkenazim and Sephardim --<br/>179: Ethiopian Jewry --<br/>180: Yored / Yerida --<br/>181: Assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, 1995 --<br/>182: Camp David, 2000, The second intifada --<br/>183: Israel's disengagement from Gaza, 2005 --<br/>184: Hezbollah's war against Israel, 2006, an Iranian nuclear bomb? --<br/>Part 7: Holocaust --<br/>185: Adolf Hitler and Nazism, Mein Kampf, Aryan race, Nuremberg Laws --<br/>186: Yellow star --<br/>187: Munich, 1938, appeasement --<br/>188: Kristallnacht, 1938 --<br/>189: While six million died, S S St Louis --<br/>190: Einsatzgruppen, Babi Yar, 1941 --<br/>191: Final solution, genocide, holocaust --<br/>192: Concentration camps, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Theresienstadt --<br/>193: Dr Joseph Mengele --<br/>194: Judenrat, Kapo --<br/>195: Anne Frank --<br/>196: Warsaw ghetto revolt --<br/>197: Nuremberg trials, 1946 --<br/>198: German reparations --<br/>199: Eichmann trial --<br/>200: Yad Vashem, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum --<br/>201: Righteous Gentiles, Raoul Wallenberg, Oskar Schindler --<br/>202: Denmark --<br/>203: Holocaust revisionists --<br/>204: Never again --<br/>205: Elie Wiesel --<br/>206: 614th Commandment: not to grant Hitler posthumous victories --<br/>Part 8: American-Jewish Life --<br/>207: George Washington's letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island, 1790 --<br/>208: Reform Judaism, Issac Mayer Wise, Hebrew Union College --<br/>209: Pittsburgh platform, 1885, Columbus platform, 1937 --<br/>210: Conservative Judaism, Jewish Theological Seminary, Solomon Schechter --<br/>211: Yeshiva University --<br/>212: Ellis Island, Lower East side --<br/>213: Galveston program --<br/>214: Sweatshops --<br/>215: Leo Frank Case --<br/>216: Jewish Organizations: UJC (United Jewish Communities), Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC, Conference of Presidents of major Jewish Organizations, CLAL, Simon Wiesenthal Center, B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Committee --<br/>217: Henrietta Szold, Hadassah --<br/>218: Louis Brandeis --<br/>219: Albert Einstein --<br/>220: Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik --<br/>221: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel --<br/>222: Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, reconstructionism, Juddaism as a civilization --<br/>223: Rabbi Moshe Feinstein / Reb Moshe --<br/>224: Sunday school, Hebrew School / Talmud Torah, Day School, Yeshiva --<br/>225: Women Rabbis --<br/>226: Patrilineal descent --<br/>227: Lubavitch, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn --<br/>228: Ba'al Teshuva Movement --<br/>229: Denominational conflicts --<br/>230: Vanishing American Jew: low birthrate, assimilation, and intermarriage --<br/>231: Senator Joseph Lieberman's nomination as the Democratic Vice President Candidate, 2000 --<br/>Part 9: Soviet Jewry --<br/>232: Birobidzhan --<br/>233: Doctors' plot --<br/>234: Russian-Jewish Simkhat Torah celebrations --<br/>235: Refuseniks --<br/>236: Prisoners of conscience, Anatoly (Natan) Sharansky --<br/>237: Jackson-Vanik amendment, Detente --<br/>238: Soviet Jewry movement, Student struggle for Soviet Jewry --<br/>239: Let my people go! "Am Yisrael Chai" --<br/>Part 10: Antisemitism --<br/>240: Christ-killer --<br/>241: Judas Iscariot --<br/>242: Blood libel --<br/>243: Shylock --<br/>244: Antisemitism, The Scapegoat Thesis --<br/>245: Protocols of the Elders of Zion --<br/>246: Deicide, Pope John XXIII, Vatican II --<br/>247: Self-hating Jews --<br/>Part 11: Jewish Texts --<br/>Tanakh / Torah / Nevi'im / Ketuvim-see entry 1 --<br/>248: Apocrypha --<br/>249: Ethics of the Fathers / Pirkei Avot --<br/>Mishna / Talmud / Babylonian Talmud / Jerusalem Talmud-see entry 83 --<br/>Midrash-see entry 84 --<br/>Haggada-see entry 309 --<br/>Siddur, Makhzor-see entry 342 --<br/>Kuzari-see entry 92 --<br/>250: Guide to the Perplexed / Moreh Nevukhim Rashi-see entry 96 --<br/>251: Responsa literature / She'elot ve-Teshuvot --<br/>252: Mishneh Torah --<br/>Shulkhan Arukh-see entry 107 --<br/>253: Zohar --<br/>254: Rome and Jerusalem --<br/>Jewish state-see entry 136 --<br/>I and thou and Tales of the Hasidim-see entry 125 --<br/>255: Steinsaltz Talmud, the ArtScroll Talmud --<br/>Part 12: Jewish Ethics And Basic Beliefs --<br/>256: Commandement / Mitavah, The 613 Mitzvot of the Torah, Mitzvot between people and each other and Mitzvot between people and God / Bein Adam le-Khavero, Bein Adam la-Makom --<br/>257: In God's image --<br/>258: Do not put a stumbling block in front of a blind man --<br/>259: Justice, justice you shall pursue --<br/>260: Eye for an eye --<br/>261: Do not stand idly by while your brother's blood is shed --<br/>262: For you were strangers in the land of Egypt --<br/>263: Not to oppress the stranger, the orphan, and the widow --<br/>264: Fathers shall not be put to death for the sins of sons, nor sons for the sins of fathers --<br/>265: Chosen people --<br/>266: Who says your blood is redder? --<br/>267: Seven Noahide Laws --<br/>268: Fear of God --<br/>269: Tzedaka --<br/>270: Mensch, Menschlikhkeit --<br/>271: Tzaddik, The thirty-six hidden saints --<br/>272: Kiddush Ha-Shem, Khillul Ha-Shem --<br/>273: Redeeming captives / Pidyon Shvuyim --<br/>274: Where life is at stake / Pikuakh Nefesh --<br/>275: Lashon ha-Ra / Gossip --<br/>276: Prevention of cruelty to animals / Tza'ar Ba'alei Khayyim --<br/>277: Honoring parents / Kibud Av va'Em --<br/>278: Whoever saves a single life it is as if he saved an entire world --<br/>279: Visiting the sick / Bikur Kholim --<br/>280: Acts of loving-kindness / Gemilut Khesed Free-Loan Societies / Gemilut Khesed funds --<br/>281: Hospitality / Hakhnasat Orkhim --<br/>282: Righteous non-Jews / Hasidei Ummot ha-Olam --<br/>283: Family harmony / Shalom Bayit --<br/>284: You can't say, "I was just following orders" / Ain Shaliakh le-Dvar Aveirah --<br/>285: Repentance / Teshuva --<br/>286: Forgiveness --<br/>287: How and when to criticize --<br/>288: Yetzer ha-Tov and Yetzer ha-Ra --<br/>289: Messiah / Ma-shi-akh, Messianism --<br/>290: Afterlife / Olam ha-Ba --<br/>291: Ethical Monotheism, perfection of the world / Tikkun Olam --<br/>292: Divine providene / Hashgakha Pratit, Bashert --<br/>293: Idolatry / Avodah Zara --<br/>294: Theodicy --295: Torah study / Talmud Torah --<br/>Part 13: Hebrew Calendar And Jewish Holidays --<br/>296: Listing of Jewish Holidays in context of Solar/Lunar calendar --<br/>297: New Year/Rosh ha-Shana, High Holy Days, Days of Awe/Yamin Nora'im, Shofar, Makhzor, apples and honey --<br/>298: Tashlikh --<br/>299: Ten Days of Repentance/ Aseret y'meir teshuva, may you be inscribed for a good year/ Le-Shana Tova Teekataivu --<br/>300: Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei, Ne'ilah --<br/>301: Sukkot, Sukka, Lulav and Etrog, Shimini Atzeret --<br/>302: Khol ha-Moed --<br/>303: Simkhat Torah, Hakafot --<br/>304: Hanukka, Menorah, Dreidl --<br/>305: Tu B'Shvat, planting trees --<br/>306: Purim, Fast of Esther, Grogger, Mishloakh Manot --<br/>307: Ma'ot Chittim --<br/>308: Passover/Pesach, Searching for Leaven / Bedikat Khametz --<br/>309: Haggada --<br/>310: Seder, Matazah, Maror, four cups of wine, Elijah's Cup, Afikoman --<br/>311: Holocaust Memorial Day/Yom ha-Shoa --<br/>312: Israeli Independence Day/Yom ha-Atzma'ut, Remembrance Day/Yom ha-Zikaron --<br/>313: Lag Ba'Omer --<br/>314: Jerusalem Day/Yom Yerushalayim --<br/>315: Counting the Omer, Shavuot, Tikkun --<br/>316: Three Weeks/Nine days --<br/>317: Ninth of Av/Tisha Be'Av, Lamentations/Eicha --<br/>318: Minor fast days --<br/>319: New month/Rosh Khodesh --<br/>320: Sabbath/Shabbat, Thirty-nine Melakhot, Muk-tze, Eruv --<br/>321: Sabbath rituals in the house, candle lighting, blessing the children, woman of valor, two challot, Kiddush, Netilat Yadayim, Ha-Motzi, Zmirot, grace after meals/Birkat ha-Mazon, Shabbat Shalom! Gut Shabbes! --<br/>322: Third meal/Shalosh Se'udot --<br/>323: Havdala --<br/>Part 14: Life Cycle --<br/>324: Circumcision/Brit Milah, redemption of the firstborn/Pidyon ha-Ben, naming ceremony for girls --<br/>325: Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah --<br/>326: Aufruff, marriage ceremony/Kiddushin, Sheva Brakhot, breaking the glass, groom and bride/Khattan ve-Kalla --<br/>327: Marriage contract/Ketuba --<br/>328: Mikveh, laws of family purity/Taharat ha-Mishpakha --<br/>329: Beit Din --<br/>330: Jewish divorce/Get, Agunah --<br/>331: Convert/Ger --<br/>332: Burial society/Chevra Kadisha --<br/>333: Kri'a, Shiva, Shiva visit, Aveilut --<br/>334: Mourner's Kaddish, Yahrzeit, Yizkor, peace be upon him/Alav ha-Shalom, peace be upon her/Aleha ha-Shalom --<br/>335: Mezuzah --<br/>336: Kosher, Kashrut, meat and milk/Milchig and Fleishig, Pareve, ritual slaughter/Shekhita, Mashgiakh --<br/>Part 15: Synagogue And Prayers --<br/>337: Temple/Synagogue/Shul/Shtiebl, Jewish Community Centers --<br/>338: Minyan --<br/>339: Mekhitza --<br/>340: Rabbinic ordination/Semikha --<br/>341: Common terms used in the Synagogue: Bimah, Mizrakh, Aron Kodesh, Hagba and Glila, Chazzan, Gabbai, Ba'al Koh-rey, Trope --<br/>342: Siddur/Makhzor, Morning service/Shakharit, Afternoon service/Minkha, Evening service/Ma'ariv, additional service on Shabbat and Holidays/Mussaf --<br/>343: Torah scroll/Sefer Torah --<br/>344: Torah portion of the week/Parshat ha-Shavua, Haftorah, Dvar Torah --<br/>345: Aliyah, priest, Levite, Israelite/Kohain, Levi, Yisra'el --<br/>346: Priestly blessing/Dukhaning --<br/>347: Tzitzit, Tallit --<br/>348: Tefillin --<br/>349: Kippah or Yarmulka --<br/>350: Some famous prayers: Barkhu, Amidah, Kedusha, Ashrei, Adon Olam, Ein Kayloheinu, Aleinu, Hallel --<br/>351: Sh'ma Yisra'el --<br/>352: Blessing/Brakha, Ha-Motzi, grace after meals/Birkat ha-Mazon, She-he-khi-yanu --<br/>Index.
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC.
Summary, etc Summary:
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC.
Summary, etc From the Publisher: What does it mean to be a Jew? How does one begin to answer so extensive a question? In this insightful and completely updated tome, esteemed rabbi and bestselling author Joseph Telushkin helps answer the question of what it means to be a Jew, in the largest sense. Widely recognized as one of the most respected and indispensable reference books on Jewish life, culture, tradition, and religion, Jewish Literacy covers every essential aspect of the Jewish people and Judaism. In 352 short and engaging chapters, Rabbi Telushkin discusses everything from the Jewish Bible and Talmud to Jewish notions of ethics to antisemitism and the Holocaust; from the history of Jews around the world to Zionism and the politics of a Jewish state; from the significance of religious traditions and holidays to how they are practiced in daily life. Whether you want to know more about Judaism in general or have specific questions you'd like answered, Jewish Literacy is sure to contain the information you need.
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Judaism
General subdivision History.
9 (RLIN) 29052
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Jews
General subdivision History.
9 (RLIN) 29053
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Judaism
General subdivision Customs and practices.
9 (RLIN) 29054
a 7
b cbc
c origcop
d 2
e ncip
f 20
g y-gencatlg
Source of classification or shelving scheme Library of Congress Classification
Koha item type Books
Classification part BM 155.3
Item part .T45 2008
Price effective from Barcode Cost, replacement price Date last seen Damaged status Withdrawn status Current library Lost status Full call number Date acquired Collection code Serial Enumeration / chronology Not for loan Shelving location Source of classification or shelving scheme Koha item type Date checked out Total Checkouts Home library Source of acquisition Cost, normal purchase price
12/11/2012 AUA011550 25.00 02/07/2013     Judith Thomas Library   BM 155.3 .T45 2008 12/11/2012   11817   General Stacks Library of Congress Classification Books 27/06/2013 2 Judith Thomas Library    
12/11/2012 AUA011550 25.00 27/02/2025     Judith Thomas Library   BM 155.3 .T45 2008 12/11/2012   AUA011550   General Stacks Library of Congress Classification Books 26/02/2025 10 Judith Thomas Library Bought by JTL 25.00