Formatted contents note |
Acknowledgments --<br/>Introduction --<br/>Part 1: Bible --<br/>1: Tanakh, Torah --<br/>Genesis --<br/>2: Adam and Eve, The Garden of Eden --<br/>3: Cain and Abel, "Am I my brother's keeper?" --<br/>4: Noah's Ark --<br/>5: Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob --<br/>6: Matriarchs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah --<br/>7: Sodom and Gomorrah --<br/>8: Binding of Isaac / Akedat Yitzchak --<br/>9: Voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau --<br/>10: Jacob / Israel --<br/>11: Joseph and his brothers --<br/>12: Seven fat years, seven lean years --<br/>13: Twelve tribes --<br/>Exodus --<br/>14: Moses / Moshe --<br/>15: Burning bush / I shall be what I shall be --<br/>16: Let my people go --<br/>17: Ten plagues, "And God hardened Pharaoh's heart" --<br/>18: Splitting of the Red Sea --<br/>19: Amalek --<br/>20: Mount Sinai and the giving of the Torah --<br/>21: Covenant / Brit "We shall do and we shall hear" --<br/>22: Ten Commandments / Aseret ha-Dibrot --<br/>23: Golden calf --<br/>24: Aaron and Miriam --<br/>Leviticus --<br/>25: Sacrifices, priests and Levites --<br/>26: Love your neighbor as yourself, I am the Lord --<br/>Numbers --<br/>27: Twelve spies, "The land of milk and honey" --<br/>28: Korakh's rebellion --<br/>29: Balaam's talking donkey, "A people that dwells alone" --<br/>Deuteronomy --<br/>30: No one knows his burial place to this day --<br/>From the early prophets --<br/>31: Joshua and the walls of Jericho --<br/>32: Land of Canaan / The seven nations of Canaan --<br/>33: Deborah the Prophetess --<br/>34: Samson and Delilah --<br/>35: Samuel, "We must have a king over us that we may be like all the other nations" --<br/>36: Saul --<br/>37: David and Goliath --<br/>38: David and Jonathan --<br/>39: David and Bathsheba --<br/>40: David and Nathan / "You are the man!" --<br/>41: David and Absalom, "O Absalom, my son, my son!" --<br/>42: Solomon --<br/>43: Temple / Beit ha-Mikdash --<br/>44: Secession of the Ten Northern Tribes --<br/>45: Ahab and Jezebel, "Have you murdered and also inherited?" --<br/>46: Prophet Elijah --<br/>47: Ten Lost Tribes --<br/>48: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon --<br/>49: Babylonian exile --<br/>From the later prophets --<br/>50: Isaiah, "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation," "A light unto the nations" --<br/>51: Jeremiah --<br/>52: Ezekiel, The Valley of the Dry Bones --<br/>53: Amos, "Let justice well up like water" --<br/>54: Jonah and the whale --<br/>55: Micah, "To do justice and to love goodness, and to walk modestly with your God" --<br/>From the Ketuvim / Writings --<br/>56: Psalms, "The Lord is my shepherd," "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem" --<br/>57: Trial of Job --<br/>58: Ruth and Naomi, "Your people shall be my people, and your God my God" --<br/>59: Ecclesiastes, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity" --<br/>60: Esther, Mordechai, Haman, "There is a certain people" --<br/>61: Daniel in the Lion's Den, The writing on the wall --<br/>62: Cyrus the Great, King of Persia --<br/>63: Ezra and Nehemiah, The rebuilding of the Jewish community in Israel --<br/>Part 2: Second Commonwealth, The Mishna And The Talmud --<br/>64: Antiochus Epiphanes, King of Syria, and the Selecuid Empire --<br/>65: Maccabees, Hasmoneans, Mattathias, Judah Maccabee --<br/>66: Hannah and her seven sons --<br/>67: Rome takes over Jerusalem, 63 BCE --<br/>68: Hillel, The golden rule, The Prosbul --<br/>69: Sanhedrin --<br/>70: Herod, King of Judea --<br/>71: Jesus, The crucifixion, Pontius Pilate, The New Testament --<br/>72: Paul --<br/>73: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Dead Sea sect --<br/>74: Great Revolt, 66-70 CE Zealots --<br/>75: Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai,"Give me Yavneh and its sages" --<br/>76: Destruction of the second temple, 70 CE --<br/>77: Flavius Josephus --<br/>78: Masada, 73 CE --<br/>79: Rabbi Akiva --<br/>80: Bar-Kokhba Rebellion, 132-135 CE --<br/>81: Beruriah --<br/>82: Oral law, written law --<br/>83: Babylonian Talmud / Palestinian Talmud, Mishna, Rabbi Judah the prince / Tanna'im, Amora'im --<br/>84: Halakha, Aggadata, Midrash --<br/>Part 3: Early Medieval Period: Under Islam And Christianity --<br/>85: Mohammed --<br/>86: Pact of Umar, Dhimmis --<br/>87: Sa'adiah Gaon, The Gaonim --<br/>88: Resh Galuta, Exilarch --<br/>89: Karaites --<br/>90: Cairo Geniza --<br/>91: Golden Age of Spanish Jewry --<br/>92: Judah Halevi / The Kuzari --<br/>93: Almohades --<br/>94: Maimonides / Rambam --<br/>95: Ban on polygamy, The decrees of Rabbi Gershom --<br/>96: Rashi, Rabbenu Tam, The Rishonim --<br/>97: Crusades --<br/>98: Fourth Lateran Council, Yellow badge --<br/>99: Burning of the Talmud --<br/>100: Jewish-Christian disputations, Moses Nachmanides and the debate in Barcelona, Spain, 1263 --<br/>101: Expulsion of Jews from England, 1290 --<br/>102: Spanish Inquisition, Marranos --<br/>103: Don Isaac Abravanel --<br/>104: Spanish expulsion, 1492 --<br/>Part 4: Late Medieval Period --<br/>105: Ghetto --<br/>106: Kabbalah --<br/>107: Code of Jewish Law / Shulkhan Arukh, Joseph Karo, Moses Isserles, the Rama --<br/>108: Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation --<br/>109: Ashkenazim and Sephardim, Yiddish and Ladino --<br/>110: Chmielnitzki Massacres, 1648-1649 --<br/>111: Shabbetai Zevi --<br/>112: Excommunication of Spinoza, Kherem --<br/>113: Court Jews, Shtadlanim --<br/>114: Hasidim and Mitnagdim, Israel Ba'al Shem Tov --<br/>115: Vilna Gaon --<br/>116: Moses Mendelssohn, Enlightment / Haskala --<br/>Part 5: Modern Period-Western And Eastern Europe --<br/>117: Emancipation, "To the Jews as individuals, all rights, to the Jews as a people, no rights" --<br/>118: Napoleon's Sanhedrin --<br/>119: Baptism and apostasy --<br/>120: Reform Judaism --<br/>121: Samson Raphael Hirsch, neo-orthodoxy --<br/>122: Damascus blood libel --<br/>123: Rabbi Israel Salanter, The Musar movement --<br/>124: Rothschilds --<br/>125: Martin Buber, I and thou --<br/>126: Franz Rosenzweig --<br/>127: Shtetl, Cheder --<br/>128: Pogrom --<br/>129: Kishinev Pogrom --<br/>130: Sholom Aleichem --<br/>131: Sigmund Freud --<br/>132: Leon Trotsky --<br/>Part 6: Zionism And Israel --<br/>133: If I forget thee, O Jerusalem --<br/>134: BILU --<br/>135: Dreyfus trial --<br/>136: Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State --<br/>137: First Zionist Congress, 1897 --<br/>138: Uganda --<br/>139: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook / Rav Kook --<br/>140: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and the revival of Hebrew --<br/>141: Aliyah, Chalutz, Chalutzim --<br/>142: Kibbutz, Moshav --<br/>143: Balfour Declaration, 1917, The British Mandate --<br/>144: Chaim Weizmann --<br/>145: Haganah, Irgun-bombing of the King David Hotel, Lekhi, Palmach --<br/>146: David Ben-Gurion --<br/>147: Vladimir Jabotinsky, The Revisionists --<br/>148: Josef Trumpeldor --<br/>149: Hebron Massacre, 1929 --<br/>150: British White Paper, 1939 --<br/>151: DP Camps, The Exodus --<br/>152: United Nations vote for Partition, 1947 --<br/>153: Proclamation of Israel's Independence, 1948, Medinat Yisrael --<br/>154: Hatikyah --<br/>155: Harry Truman --<br/>156: Deir Yassin --<br/>157: War of Independence --<br/>158: Altalena --<br/>159: Ingathering of the Exiles / Kibbutz Galuyot, "Operation magic carpet" --<br/>160: Knesst, Labor Party, Likud, Religious Parties --<br/>161: Israel Defense Forces / Tzahal, Reserve duty / Mi-lew-im --<br/>162: Moshe Dayan --<br/>163: Six-day war, 1967, The "Green Line" --<br/>164: Western wall / Kotel ha-Ma'aravi --<br/>165: PLO, Munich massacre, Oslo Accords --<br/>166: United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338 --<br/>167: Golda Meir --<br/>168: Yom Kippur War, 1973 --<br/>169: West Bank versus Judea and Samaria, Gush Emunim --<br/>170: United Nations Resolution on Zionism, 1975 --<br/>171: Entebbe, 1976 --<br/>172: Menachem Begin elected prime minister, 1977 --<br/>173: Anwar Sadat's visit to Jersulam, Camp David --<br/>174: Peace now / Shalom Akhshav --<br/>175: Lebanese war --<br/>176: Law of Return, "Who is a Jew?" --<br/>177: Neturei Karta --<br/>178: Ashkenazim and Sephardim --<br/>179: Ethiopian Jewry --<br/>180: Yored / Yerida --<br/>181: Assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, 1995 --<br/>182: Camp David, 2000, The second intifada --<br/>183: Israel's disengagement from Gaza, 2005 --<br/>184: Hezbollah's war against Israel, 2006, an Iranian nuclear bomb? --<br/>Part 7: Holocaust --<br/>185: Adolf Hitler and Nazism, Mein Kampf, Aryan race, Nuremberg Laws --<br/>186: Yellow star --<br/>187: Munich, 1938, appeasement --<br/>188: Kristallnacht, 1938 --<br/>189: While six million died, S S St Louis --<br/>190: Einsatzgruppen, Babi Yar, 1941 --<br/>191: Final solution, genocide, holocaust --<br/>192: Concentration camps, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Theresienstadt --<br/>193: Dr Joseph Mengele --<br/>194: Judenrat, Kapo --<br/>195: Anne Frank --<br/>196: Warsaw ghetto revolt --<br/>197: Nuremberg trials, 1946 --<br/>198: German reparations --<br/>199: Eichmann trial --<br/>200: Yad Vashem, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum --<br/>201: Righteous Gentiles, Raoul Wallenberg, Oskar Schindler --<br/>202: Denmark --<br/>203: Holocaust revisionists --<br/>204: Never again --<br/>205: Elie Wiesel --<br/>206: 614th Commandment: not to grant Hitler posthumous victories --<br/>Part 8: American-Jewish Life --<br/>207: George Washington's letter to the Jews of Newport, Rhode Island, 1790 --<br/>208: Reform Judaism, Issac Mayer Wise, Hebrew Union College --<br/>209: Pittsburgh platform, 1885, Columbus platform, 1937 --<br/>210: Conservative Judaism, Jewish Theological Seminary, Solomon Schechter --<br/>211: Yeshiva University --<br/>212: Ellis Island, Lower East side --<br/>213: Galveston program --<br/>214: Sweatshops --<br/>215: Leo Frank Case --<br/>216: Jewish Organizations: UJC (United Jewish Communities), Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC, Conference of Presidents of major Jewish Organizations, CLAL, Simon Wiesenthal Center, B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Committee --<br/>217: Henrietta Szold, Hadassah --<br/>218: Louis Brandeis --<br/>219: Albert Einstein --<br/>220: Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik --<br/>221: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel --<br/>222: Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, reconstructionism, Juddaism as a civilization --<br/>223: Rabbi Moshe Feinstein / Reb Moshe --<br/>224: Sunday school, Hebrew School / Talmud Torah, Day School, Yeshiva --<br/>225: Women Rabbis --<br/>226: Patrilineal descent --<br/>227: Lubavitch, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn --<br/>228: Ba'al Teshuva Movement --<br/>229: Denominational conflicts --<br/>230: Vanishing American Jew: low birthrate, assimilation, and intermarriage --<br/>231: Senator Joseph Lieberman's nomination as the Democratic Vice President Candidate, 2000 --<br/>Part 9: Soviet Jewry --<br/>232: Birobidzhan --<br/>233: Doctors' plot --<br/>234: Russian-Jewish Simkhat Torah celebrations --<br/>235: Refuseniks --<br/>236: Prisoners of conscience, Anatoly (Natan) Sharansky --<br/>237: Jackson-Vanik amendment, Detente --<br/>238: Soviet Jewry movement, Student struggle for Soviet Jewry --<br/>239: Let my people go! "Am Yisrael Chai" --<br/>Part 10: Antisemitism --<br/>240: Christ-killer --<br/>241: Judas Iscariot --<br/>242: Blood libel --<br/>243: Shylock --<br/>244: Antisemitism, The Scapegoat Thesis --<br/>245: Protocols of the Elders of Zion --<br/>246: Deicide, Pope John XXIII, Vatican II --<br/>247: Self-hating Jews --<br/>Part 11: Jewish Texts --<br/>Tanakh / Torah / Nevi'im / Ketuvim-see entry 1 --<br/>248: Apocrypha --<br/>249: Ethics of the Fathers / Pirkei Avot --<br/>Mishna / Talmud / Babylonian Talmud / Jerusalem Talmud-see entry 83 --<br/>Midrash-see entry 84 --<br/>Haggada-see entry 309 --<br/>Siddur, Makhzor-see entry 342 --<br/>Kuzari-see entry 92 --<br/>250: Guide to the Perplexed / Moreh Nevukhim Rashi-see entry 96 --<br/>251: Responsa literature / She'elot ve-Teshuvot --<br/>252: Mishneh Torah --<br/>Shulkhan Arukh-see entry 107 --<br/>253: Zohar --<br/>254: Rome and Jerusalem --<br/>Jewish state-see entry 136 --<br/>I and thou and Tales of the Hasidim-see entry 125 --<br/>255: Steinsaltz Talmud, the ArtScroll Talmud --<br/>Part 12: Jewish Ethics And Basic Beliefs --<br/>256: Commandement / Mitavah, The 613 Mitzvot of the Torah, Mitzvot between people and each other and Mitzvot between people and God / Bein Adam le-Khavero, Bein Adam la-Makom --<br/>257: In God's image --<br/>258: Do not put a stumbling block in front of a blind man --<br/>259: Justice, justice you shall pursue --<br/>260: Eye for an eye --<br/>261: Do not stand idly by while your brother's blood is shed --<br/>262: For you were strangers in the land of Egypt --<br/>263: Not to oppress the stranger, the orphan, and the widow --<br/>264: Fathers shall not be put to death for the sins of sons, nor sons for the sins of fathers --<br/>265: Chosen people --<br/>266: Who says your blood is redder? --<br/>267: Seven Noahide Laws --<br/>268: Fear of God --<br/>269: Tzedaka --<br/>270: Mensch, Menschlikhkeit --<br/>271: Tzaddik, The thirty-six hidden saints --<br/>272: Kiddush Ha-Shem, Khillul Ha-Shem --<br/>273: Redeeming captives / Pidyon Shvuyim --<br/>274: Where life is at stake / Pikuakh Nefesh --<br/>275: Lashon ha-Ra / Gossip --<br/>276: Prevention of cruelty to animals / Tza'ar Ba'alei Khayyim --<br/>277: Honoring parents / Kibud Av va'Em --<br/>278: Whoever saves a single life it is as if he saved an entire world --<br/>279: Visiting the sick / Bikur Kholim --<br/>280: Acts of loving-kindness / Gemilut Khesed Free-Loan Societies / Gemilut Khesed funds --<br/>281: Hospitality / Hakhnasat Orkhim --<br/>282: Righteous non-Jews / Hasidei Ummot ha-Olam --<br/>283: Family harmony / Shalom Bayit --<br/>284: You can't say, "I was just following orders" / Ain Shaliakh le-Dvar Aveirah --<br/>285: Repentance / Teshuva --<br/>286: Forgiveness --<br/>287: How and when to criticize --<br/>288: Yetzer ha-Tov and Yetzer ha-Ra --<br/>289: Messiah / Ma-shi-akh, Messianism --<br/>290: Afterlife / Olam ha-Ba --<br/>291: Ethical Monotheism, perfection of the world / Tikkun Olam --<br/>292: Divine providene / Hashgakha Pratit, Bashert --<br/>293: Idolatry / Avodah Zara --<br/>294: Theodicy --295: Torah study / Talmud Torah --<br/>Part 13: Hebrew Calendar And Jewish Holidays --<br/>296: Listing of Jewish Holidays in context of Solar/Lunar calendar --<br/>297: New Year/Rosh ha-Shana, High Holy Days, Days of Awe/Yamin Nora'im, Shofar, Makhzor, apples and honey --<br/>298: Tashlikh --<br/>299: Ten Days of Repentance/ Aseret y'meir teshuva, may you be inscribed for a good year/ Le-Shana Tova Teekataivu --<br/>300: Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei, Ne'ilah --<br/>301: Sukkot, Sukka, Lulav and Etrog, Shimini Atzeret --<br/>302: Khol ha-Moed --<br/>303: Simkhat Torah, Hakafot --<br/>304: Hanukka, Menorah, Dreidl --<br/>305: Tu B'Shvat, planting trees --<br/>306: Purim, Fast of Esther, Grogger, Mishloakh Manot --<br/>307: Ma'ot Chittim --<br/>308: Passover/Pesach, Searching for Leaven / Bedikat Khametz --<br/>309: Haggada --<br/>310: Seder, Matazah, Maror, four cups of wine, Elijah's Cup, Afikoman --<br/>311: Holocaust Memorial Day/Yom ha-Shoa --<br/>312: Israeli Independence Day/Yom ha-Atzma'ut, Remembrance Day/Yom ha-Zikaron --<br/>313: Lag Ba'Omer --<br/>314: Jerusalem Day/Yom Yerushalayim --<br/>315: Counting the Omer, Shavuot, Tikkun --<br/>316: Three Weeks/Nine days --<br/>317: Ninth of Av/Tisha Be'Av, Lamentations/Eicha --<br/>318: Minor fast days --<br/>319: New month/Rosh Khodesh --<br/>320: Sabbath/Shabbat, Thirty-nine Melakhot, Muk-tze, Eruv --<br/>321: Sabbath rituals in the house, candle lighting, blessing the children, woman of valor, two challot, Kiddush, Netilat Yadayim, Ha-Motzi, Zmirot, grace after meals/Birkat ha-Mazon, Shabbat Shalom! Gut Shabbes! --<br/>322: Third meal/Shalosh Se'udot --<br/>323: Havdala --<br/>Part 14: Life Cycle --<br/>324: Circumcision/Brit Milah, redemption of the firstborn/Pidyon ha-Ben, naming ceremony for girls --<br/>325: Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah --<br/>326: Aufruff, marriage ceremony/Kiddushin, Sheva Brakhot, breaking the glass, groom and bride/Khattan ve-Kalla --<br/>327: Marriage contract/Ketuba --<br/>328: Mikveh, laws of family purity/Taharat ha-Mishpakha --<br/>329: Beit Din --<br/>330: Jewish divorce/Get, Agunah --<br/>331: Convert/Ger --<br/>332: Burial society/Chevra Kadisha --<br/>333: Kri'a, Shiva, Shiva visit, Aveilut --<br/>334: Mourner's Kaddish, Yahrzeit, Yizkor, peace be upon him/Alav ha-Shalom, peace be upon her/Aleha ha-Shalom --<br/>335: Mezuzah --<br/>336: Kosher, Kashrut, meat and milk/Milchig and Fleishig, Pareve, ritual slaughter/Shekhita, Mashgiakh --<br/>Part 15: Synagogue And Prayers --<br/>337: Temple/Synagogue/Shul/Shtiebl, Jewish Community Centers --<br/>338: Minyan --<br/>339: Mekhitza --<br/>340: Rabbinic ordination/Semikha --<br/>341: Common terms used in the Synagogue: Bimah, Mizrakh, Aron Kodesh, Hagba and Glila, Chazzan, Gabbai, Ba'al Koh-rey, Trope --<br/>342: Siddur/Makhzor, Morning service/Shakharit, Afternoon service/Minkha, Evening service/Ma'ariv, additional service on Shabbat and Holidays/Mussaf --<br/>343: Torah scroll/Sefer Torah --<br/>344: Torah portion of the week/Parshat ha-Shavua, Haftorah, Dvar Torah --<br/>345: Aliyah, priest, Levite, Israelite/Kohain, Levi, Yisra'el --<br/>346: Priestly blessing/Dukhaning --<br/>347: Tzitzit, Tallit --<br/>348: Tefillin --<br/>349: Kippah or Yarmulka --<br/>350: Some famous prayers: Barkhu, Amidah, Kedusha, Ashrei, Adon Olam, Ein Kayloheinu, Aleinu, Hallel --<br/>351: Sh'ma Yisra'el --<br/>352: Blessing/Brakha, Ha-Motzi, grace after meals/Birkat ha-Mazon, She-he-khi-yanu --<br/>Index. |