A secure, loving Universe

Contributor(s): Material type: Continuing resourceContinuing resourceSeries: Through the lenses of the new creation ; Vol 78, No.12Publication details: 2005 Nampa, Idaho Pacific Press General Conference of Seventh-day AdventsitsDescription: 30p. col ill.; 27 cmISSN:
  • 00265314
Uniform titles:
  • Ministry: International journal for Pastors
Subject(s): LOC classification:
  • BX6102 .M56
Online resources:
Item type: Periodical


God's blueprint;

The challenge and future of urban ministry: the case of White Memorial Church;

Intelligent Design: Is it a useful concept?;

"The greatest of these is love";

The scapegoat and the law of malicious witness;

Leading without fear;

My personal classics: Twenty-one books I woudn't want to be without;

the weapons of our warfare;

Faithful fathering: the father's role in a Christian home;