Acts / Jaroslav Pelikan.
Material type:
- 1587430940
- BS491.3 .B765 2005

Current library | Collection | Call number | Vol info | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
Judith Thomas Library Reference Books | Reference Shelves | BS 491.3 .B765 2005 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | AUA017682 | Not for loan | AUA017682 |
Acts 1 --
"As the Lord Jesus Christ Himself instructed us": the Gospel of the forty days --
"He went up, He is coming again": ascension and second coming --
Mary the Theotokos --
Acts 2 --
"And in the Holy Spirit": the fullness of the church --
"Rose up on the third day": the centrality and resurrection of Christ --
"One, holy, catholic, and apostolic church":marks of continuity --
Acts 3 --
Crucifixus pro nobis: reconciliation and atonement --
Universal restoration/salvation only by the name of Christ --
"The purpose of calling Israel": the abiding covenant --
Acts 4 --
"This is the catholic faith": the confessional imperative --
Orthodoxy as correct worship and correct doctrine --
"One, holy, catholic, and apostolic church": transvaluation of all values --
Acts 5 --
"The Holy Spirit, the Lord": the deity of the Holy Spirit --
"One, holy, catholic, and apostolic church": the twelve and the primacy of Peter --
"One Lord": the sovereignty that trumps any human authority --
Acts 6 --
"Faith and order" --
The laying-on of hands --
Miracles as "signs" --
Acts 7 --
"What has Athens to do with Jesus?" --
The paradox of sacred space and sacred time --
The imitation of Christ --
Acts 8 --
The communication of divine revelation --
"In accordance with scriptures" --
Credo: "The rule of faith" --
Acts 9 --
A grammar of assent --
The Church as "the body of Christ" --
Paul "the chosen instrument" --
Acts 10 --
The "yoke" of Mosaic law --
The unity and equality of all humanity before God --
De servo arbitrio: sin defined as captivity to the devil --
Acts 11 --
Grace abounding --
The given name of Christ's disciples --
Mutual support among the members of Christ's family --
Acts 12 --
"Both seen and unseen": the angels as "ministering spirits" --
A humor that is not "unseemly" --
Sin defined as "refusing to let God be God" --
Acts 13 --
Christus victor --
The language of justification --
Foreknowledge/election/predestination --
Acts 14 --
"And became incarnate": incarnation and theosis --
"The love which moves the sun and other stars" --
The cost of discipleship --
Acts 15 --
Controversy and polemics --
The historical "economies" of the living God --
Authority at church councils and the authority of church councils --
Acts 16 --
Canon law --
its legitimacy and its limits --
Apostolic tradition and apostolic dogma --
Visions and private revelations --
Acts 17 --
Christian theology in encounter with Greco-Roman philosophy --
Apophatic theology: negation as the affirmation of metaphysical transcendence --
"One God, the Father, all-powerful maker" --
Acts 18 --
Theological "bickering about words and names" --
"Accuracy" in the confession of Christian doctrine --
The ministry of women --
Acts 19 --
The abiding theological significance of Saint John the Forerunner --
Images of the divine? --
"We believe in one God": monotheism in conflict with polytheism and idolatry --
Acts 20 --
The breaking of bread --
The theological import of textual variants --
"One Christ, one Son, one Lord" --
Acts 21 --
"Who spoke [and speaks] through the prophets" --
Religious affections --
"Debtor to Greek": language and languages --
Acts 22 --
"The uncreated light" as a divine energy --
"We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiving of sins" --
"One, holy, catholic, and apostolic church": "Every native land is a foreign land" --
Acts 23 --
The testimony of a "good conscience" --
"We look forward to a resurrection of the dead and life in the age to come" --
Epistles --
Jewish, Roman, and Christian --
Acts 24 --
The Christian appropriation of classical rhetoric --
"We believe": fides quae creditur --
Ascetic disciple and self-denial --
Acts 25 --
The law of reason, the law of nations, the law of God --
"Under Pontius Pilate": "The powers that be" --
"Due process" --
Acts 26 --
"I believe": Fides qua creditur --
Ascetic discipline and self-denial --
Acts 27 --
"The predicament of the Christian historian" --
De amicitia: the divine gift of friendship --
"Sail with those who sail" --
Acts 28 --
Launched into world history --
"His kingdom will have no end" --
"Freedom from external coercion."