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The Bible, the spirit of prophecy and the church / edited by Anna Galeniece

Material type: TextTextPublication details: Nairobi, Kenya Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office - Adventist University of Africa c2017Description: 281 p. 25 cmISBN:
  • 9789966103390
Subject(s): LOC classification:
  • BX6149 .B53 2017
Eriks Galenieks The Spirit of Prophecy in the Bible
The Foundational Orientation of Ellen White's Prophetic Ministry; Merlin D. Burt
Alberto R. Timm Ellen G. White as a Prophetic Expositor of Scripture
Victor F. Figueroa The Revelation and Inspiration of God in the Writings of Ellen G. White;
Anna M. Galeniece A Hermeneutical Approach to the Reading of Ellen White Writings
Alberto R. Timm Sola Scriptura and Ellen White
Listening to the Testimonies: Lessons on Faith from Adventist Pioneers; Merlin D. Burt
Victor F. Figueroa The Value of Ellen White's Ministry for the work of the church
Delbert W. Baker Adventism Advancing in Challenging Places, 1863-1903: Early Seventh-day Adventist Work Among Minority Groups;
Dwain N. Esmond Ellen White in the Home: Developing a Love for Her Counsels in the 21st Century Adventist Family;
Andrew Mutero Implementation of Ellen White's Counsel on Manual Labor and Training in Adventist Education in Africa;
Dwain Esmond A Pill for the Millenial Mind: Ellen White for New Generations;
Daniel Ganu The Impact of Ellen G. White Health Reform in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
Sampson M. Nwaomah Contemporary Prophetic Ministry in Africa: Implications for the Adventist Church and the Ministry of Ellen G. White;
Kelvin Onongha Mission Leadership, Ellen White, and Contemporary Mission in Africa;
Zacchaeus A. Mathema Biblical Principles of Worship: What Oscillation Theory and Ellen White Tell us about those Principles;
James R. Nix Ellen G. White's Dedicated Hands;
Anna M. Galeniece The Relevance and Implications of Ellen White Writings in the Contemporary African Context;
Item type: Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office List(s) this item appears in: PhD Church Ministry Leadership

This book was published from the papers presented during the Spirit of Prophecy symposium held at Adventist University of Africa in July 2016.

Eriks Galenieks The Spirit of Prophecy in the Bible

The Foundational Orientation of Ellen White's Prophetic Ministry; Merlin D. Burt

Alberto R. Timm Ellen G. White as a Prophetic Expositor of Scripture

Victor F. Figueroa The Revelation and Inspiration of God in the Writings of Ellen G. White;

Anna M. Galeniece A Hermeneutical Approach to the Reading of Ellen White Writings

Alberto R. Timm Sola Scriptura and Ellen White

Listening to the Testimonies: Lessons on Faith from Adventist Pioneers; Merlin D. Burt

Victor F. Figueroa The Value of Ellen White's Ministry for the work of the church

Delbert W. Baker Adventism Advancing in Challenging Places, 1863-1903: Early Seventh-day Adventist Work Among Minority Groups;

Dwain N. Esmond Ellen White in the Home: Developing a Love for Her Counsels in the 21st Century Adventist Family;

Andrew Mutero Implementation of Ellen White's Counsel on Manual Labor and Training in Adventist Education in Africa;

Dwain Esmond A Pill for the Millenial Mind: Ellen White for New Generations;

Daniel Ganu The Impact of Ellen G. White Health Reform in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

Sampson M. Nwaomah Contemporary Prophetic Ministry in Africa: Implications for the Adventist Church and the Ministry of Ellen G. White;

Kelvin Onongha Mission Leadership, Ellen White, and Contemporary Mission in Africa;

Zacchaeus A. Mathema Biblical Principles of Worship: What Oscillation Theory and Ellen White Tell us about those Principles;

James R. Nix Ellen G. White's Dedicated Hands;

Anna M. Galeniece The Relevance and Implications of Ellen White Writings in the Contemporary African Context;