People on the move : the book of Numbers /

Contributor(s): Material type: Continuing resourceContinuing resourceSeries: People on the move : the book of Numbers ; 1st Quarter, 2010Publication details: Nampa, ID : Pacific Press Pub. Association,Description: 160 pISSN:
  • 1096-7559
Other title:
  • Adult Sabbath School Bible study guide
  • Sabbath School Bible study guide adult teacher's edition
Subject(s): LOC classification:
  • BX 6112 .88
Online resources:
Item type: Periodical

Each issue also has a distinctive title.

A new order;
Preparing a people;
Worship and dedication;
Trumpets, blood, cloud, and fire;
From complaints to apostasy;
Planning ahead;
Power struggle;
Priests and levites;
The sin of Moses and Aaron;
The "madness" of the prophet;
Immorality on the border;
The second generation: admonitions;
Cities of refuge.

Prepared by: Dept. of Sabbath School/Personal Ministries of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.